WAR-OFFICE, June 6.-Memorandum-Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of au first appointments of Gentlemen to Commissions in the Fusilier and Rifle Re- giments being in future made in the rank of Ensign and not Second Lieutenant as heretofore, which latter grade is abolished prospectively from this date ; and her Majesty has been further pleased to approve of the Subalterns in the 7th Fusiliers consisting prospectively of the same number of Lieutenants and Ensigns as in other re nts of infantry of the line, and not of Lieutenants only as heretofore. el-0MM June 6.-41h Regt. of Drag. Guarde-Sergt.-Major J. G. Drake to be Quartermaster, vice Thompson, appointed Quartermaster to a Cavalry Depot. 6th
Drags.-R. G. Kelly, to be Veterinary Surg. vice Hellen, appointed to a Ca- valry Depot. 6th t. of Foot-Lieut. F. W. Gore to be Capt. by purchase, vice
'Webb, who retires ; b.nsig,n L. B. Hole to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gore; • T. B. Hackett, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hole. 10th Foot-J. Tullach, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Webb, promoted on the Staff. 20th Foot-Lieut. E. F. Anstey to be Capt. by purchase, vice Tomaon, who retires ; Lieut. If. Turner to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dewar, who retires; Ensign C. E. Parkinson lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Anstey ; Ensign W. D. S. Dickens to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Turner; L. Kekewich, Gent, to be Ensign, by per. vice Dickens; W. V. Maskelyne, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Parkinson. 26th Foot-Lieut. W. F. Kerrich to be Capt. by purchase, vice Wallace, whose promotion on the 21st April 1854 is to be cancelled ; Ensign E. Day to be Lieut. vice Kerrich ; J. Armstrong, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Day. 34th Foot-W. Reward, Gent, to be Assist.- Surg. 39th Foot-Staff-Surg. of the Second Class G. T. Woodman, M.D. to be Burg. vice Reid, appointed to the Staff. 43d Foot-Lieut. L. Graham to be Capt. by purchase, vice Weyland, who retires; Ensign H. B. Ronson to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Graham; H. J. Berners, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Houson. 54th Foot-A. Herrick, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hardinge, who re- tires. 55th Foot-Sergt. O. Green to be Quartermaster, vice Grigg, who retires upon half-pay. 84th Foot-Ensign H. Currie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Page, who retires ; T. S. Bigge, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Currie. lst West India Regt--Lieut. H. Anton to be Capt. without purchase, vice Ham- mitt, dec.; Ensign E. B. Goodman to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Anton ; C. C. Lees, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Goodman. 3d West India Regt-Lieut.-Col. C. W. Forester, from half-pay 80th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Irwin, who exchanges ; Major S. 11. Murray to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Forester, who retires ; Capt. G. B. T. Colman to be Major, by purchase, vice Mur- ray; Lieut. R. G. Palmer to be Capt. by purchase, vice Colman; Ensign C. G. M. Skinner to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Palmer.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-Ensign W. Sinakin to be Quartermaster, vice M. Rorke, who retires upon half-pay; Sergt.-Major C. B. Marshall lobe Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Suakin.
Hospital Staff-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, with local rank, W. Hacket, M.D. to be Inspector-General of Hospitals ; Deputy Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals D. Scott, M.D. to be Inspector-Gcn. of Hospitals, with local rank, vice Racket, who retires upon half-pay; Staff-Surg. of the First Class T. Spence, M.D. to be Deputy In- spector-General of Hospitals, vice Scott; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class H. Pilleau to be Staff-Surg. of the First Class, vice Spence; Surg. F. Reid, M.D. from the 39th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Pilleau.
Commissariat-Commissariat-Clerk J. Murray to be Deputy Assist -Commissary- Gen. his commission to bear date 21st December 1852. Assist.-Commissary-Gen. .7. Kent ha; been permitted to resign his commission on his receiving a commutation forhis half-pay, and his commission has accordingly been cancelled from 23d May1854. Wan-OFFICE, June 8.-17th Regt. of Foot-Major-Gen. T. J. Wemyss, C.B. to be Col. vice Gen. Sir P. Maitland, G.C.B. deceased. 94th Regt. of Foot-Major-Gen. H. Thomas, C.B. to be Col. vice Major-Gen. W. Staveley, C.B. deceased.
Wan-ors-mg, June 9.-2d Regt. of Life Guards-J. IL Lovett, Gent, to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. T. H. G. Fermor, promoted. Royal Regt. of Horse Guards-H. P. K. Peach, Gent, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Jones, pro- moted. 1st Regt. of Foot-S. V. Willis, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Vice, who retires. 12th Foot-G, B. F. Arden, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Ricketts, appointed to the Staff. 31st Foot-Lieut, R. Daw, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Walters, deceased ; Ensign A. Mitchell to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Law; Lieut. H. P. Hutton to be Capt. without purchase, vice Law, whose promo- tion on the 6th June has been cancelled ; Ensign F. Y. Cassidy to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Michell, whose promotion on the 6th June has been cancelled ;
G. R. R. Fitz Maurice, Gent. to be Ensign' without purchase, vice Cassidy. 44th Foot-Lieut. It. Preston to be Adjt. vice Gregory, who resigns the Adjtcy. only. 57th Foot-Lieut. J. Bossard to be Capt. without purchase ; Ensign T. N. Woodall to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hassard; Ensign R. A.K.Hugessen lobe Lieut. without purchase ; W. A. J. Shoat, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice WoodalL list Foot-R. B. Aldridge, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ped- dle, appointed to the 41st Foot. 73d Foot-Major T. Ross, from the 90th Foot, to he Major, vice Campbell, who exchanges, 84th Foot-Ensign R. T. Pratt to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Mac Mabon, who retires; A. Gibaut, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Pratt. 87th Foot-Capt. J. T. Ussher, from the 91st Foot, to be Capt. vice M'Clintock, who exchanges. 90th Foot-Major R. P. Campbell, from the 73d Foot, to be Major, vice Ross, who exchanges. 91st Foot-Capt. T. H. M.Clin- tock, from the 87th Foot, lobe Capt. vice Ussher, who exchanges.
Bale Brigade-Lord E. W. P. Clinton to be Ensign, by pur. vice Markham prom. 2d West India Regt.-Brevet Col. and Lieut.-Col. J. Bazalgette, from Illf-pay Dna*, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Cobbe, appointed to the 4th Foot ; Major H. W. W. Wynn to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Bazalg,ette, who retires; Capt. T. Gibbings to be Major, by purchase, vice Wynn. 3d West India Regt.-A. Dunlop, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Skinner, promoted. Brevet-Capt. A. F. Blyth (Adjt. of a Cavalry Depot), half-pay 6th West India Regt. to be Major in the Army, Nov. 9,1846. Hospital Staff-To be Assist.-Surgs. to the Forces-Assist.-Surg. C. Ricketts, from the 12th Foot; G. B. Poppelwell, Gent.; W. Grantt, 31.B.; T. W. Rutter, 31.D.; T. H. Walker, Gent.; S. S. Skipton, ; 3facartney, Gent.; J. P. Street, M.D.; J. A. Eames, Gent.; C. W. Hammond, Gent. ; A. G. Power, M.D.
Unattached-Lieut. L. Cassidy, from the 57th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase.
Consolidated Depots of Cavalry-Lieut. C. F. Grigg, on half-pay Unatt. to be Paymaster ; Quartermaster J. Thompson, from the 4th Drag. Guards, and Quarter- master T. Smith, from half-pay 6th Drag. Guards., to be Quartermasters; Veterinary Burg. H. Hellen, from the 6th Drags, to be Veterinary Burg.
Royal Military College-Capt. G. Man, on half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. of a Company of Gent. Cadets, vice Brevet Major J. W. Dalgety, Unatt. appointed Major of Brigade of the South-west district. Memorandum-The removal of Lieut. W. M'Bean from the 22d to 27th Regt. as stated in the Gazette of 27th May 1854, has been cancelled.
iThe following appointments are without purchase.") 1st (the Royal) Reghnent of Foot—To be Captains Lieut. 0.0. Oarlyon, and Lieut. F. Carter. To be Lieutenants Ensign F. H. Hope, vice Carlyon; Ensign F. P. Muller, vice Carter; Ensign J. A. It. Todd, and En- sign It. L. Williams. To be Ensign: Gent. Cadet G. H. Monerieff, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Hope. ad Pest-To be Captain : Lieut. E.. C. Bam- ford. Tube Lieutenants Ensign F. S. Steele, vice Bamford ; and Ensign J. C. T. Drake. To be Ensign: A. A. Wilkie, Gent. rite Steele. 3d Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. A. H. Rob- son. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. Wein- man, vice Robson ; and Ensign W. R. Turner. To be Ensign: H. T. Anley, Gent. rice Wahl- 4th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. T. P, Bo- beats. To be Lieutenants; Ensign J. Paton, vice Roberts; and Ensign T. Sheppard. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet the lion. H. N. G. Hassey, vice rates; and H. B. Mask, Gent. 8th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. A. E. John- son. To be Lieuzenants : Second Lieut. R. H. Hardy, vice Johnson; and Second Lieut. J. W. Tenspleman. To be Ensign : G. E. Maasey, Gent, Tice Hardy. 6th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. 1'. A. Moose. To be Lieutenants Ensign J. Daw- son, vice !fosse ; and Ensign J. L. O. Man- sergh. To be Ensign: I. Clerk, Gent. vice Dawson. 7th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. W. J. Hoare. 9th Foot—To be Captain. Lieut. C. 8. Gay- nor. To be Lieutenants: Ensign IL C. 'W. C. Bloxsome, vice Gaynor; and Ensign W. Nugent To be Ensign H. AL Thompson, Gent, vice Eloxsome. 11th Foot—To be Captain Limit. L. H. Scott. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. H. Clarkson, vice Scott; and Ensign 0. Davies. To be Ensign: F. T. M. Raynes, Gent. vice
13th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. Van Straubenzee. To be Lieutenants: Ensign S. L. D. Witten, Tice V. Straubenzie; and En- sign J. A. Rowley. To be Ensign: J. P. Mil- ler, Gent. Tice Willan. 14th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. J. Ill'Cul- loch O'Toole. To be Lieutenants Ensign H. H. A•Court Inglefield, vice O'Toole; and En- sign R. H. Vivian. To be Ensign F. B. id:Crea, Gent. vice Inglefleid. 15th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. J. Wil- kinson. To be Lieutenants: Ensign F. E. Lock, rice Wilkinson; and Ensign W. M. Moore. To be Ensign: R. Fry, Gent. vice Lock. 16th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. G. F. Macdonald. To be Lieutenants: Ensign J. W. Freeman, vice Macdonald; and Ensign T. C. Grant. To be Eneign : H. Kelsall, Gent. vice Freeman. 17th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. F. Z. S. Lindesay. To be Lieutenants: Ensign Cecil M'Pherson, vice Lindesay ; and Ensign A. P. Traherne. To be Ensign: 3.0. Travers, Gent. vice M'Pherson. 18th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. H. I. Hayman. To be Lieutenants Ensign G. H. Pocklingten, vice Hayman; and Ensign W. OIL Taylor. To be Ensign J. It. Weiseley, Gent. vice Pocklinenn. 19th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. R. liar. rest. To be Lieutenants Ensign E. Levett, vice Barrett; anal Ensign T. M. Scott To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet G. Baldwin, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Levett ; and E. W. Evans, Gent. vice Scott. 20th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. C. U. But- ler. To be Lieutenants Ensign F. Padfield, vice Butler; and Ensign M. T. Rotherham. To be Ensign: 3.3.8. O'Neill, Gent. vice Pad. field. 21st Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. F. E. N. Tinley. To be Lieutenants:. Second Lieut. B. Killeen, vice Tinley; and Second Lieut. the Hon. R. It. Best. To be Ensign: W. Cainus, Gent. vice Killeen. 23d Foot—To be First Lieutenant Second Lieut. B. Glanville. To be Ensigns Gent. Cadet F. Hereford, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Granville; and J. Creagh, Gent. 26th Foot—To be Captain Lie ut.W. T. Betts. To be Lieutenants' Ensign E. A. Collins, vice Betts; and Ensign W. E. Lockhart. To be Ensign: J. Giving, Gent. vice Collins. 28th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. 11. Webb. To be Lieutenants : Ensign E. L. Haworth, -vice Webb; and Ensign H. F. Morgan. To be Ensigns Gent. Cadet F. Brodigan, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Haworth ; and W.A. Steward. Gent. vice Morgan. 30th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. M. Pen- nefather. To be Lieutenants: J. D. Boss. Lewis, vice Peunefather ; and Ensign J. C. N. Stevenson. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet S. Gubbins, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Rosa- Lewin ; and A..1. Austin, Gent. vice Stevenson. list Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. It. Law. To be Lieutenants Ensign A. Mitchell, Tice Law; and Ensign A. Cary. To be Ensign: G. N. Pepper, Gent. vice Mitchell. 33d Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. R. Lacy. To be Lieutenants Ensign W. S. Worthing- ton, vice Lacy ; and Ensign H. S. St. 'Vincent Marsh. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet L. R. Heyland, from the Royal Coll. vice Wor- thington ; and J. M. heKie, Gent. vice Marsh. 34th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. It B. Bale. To be Lieutenants: Ensign E. P. L. Mathew, Tice Bale; and Ensign W. W. Joe. dan. To be Ensign: J. F. Wyse, Gent. vice Mathew. 36th Foot—Tube Captain Lieut. R.. Lloyd. To be Lieutenants: Ensign A. Si.Tuck, vice Lloyd; and Ensign 3.01. Hugo. To be En- sign: F. X. Be C,ourcy Orange, Gent. vice Tuck. 37th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. W. J. Bazalgette. To be Lieutenants Ensign W. H. Hensel!, vice Baxalgette ; and Ensign E. A. Anderson. To be Ensign: J. F. %Inc, Gent. vice Ilenxell. 38th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. C. B. Johns. To be Lieutenants: Ensign S. G. quicke, vice Johns; and II. B. Fellden. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet W. E. Ellen, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Qnleke ; and G. W.
Snell, Gent. vice Feilden.
39th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. S. G. Newport- To be Lieutenants: Ensign C. B. Phillipps, vice Newport; end Ensign T. W. Bennett. To be Ensign: A. D. Geddes, Gent. vice Phillips. 40th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. E. II. Eager. To be Lieutenants Ensign T. Holton, vice Eager ; and Ensign A. F. F. Simons. To be Ensign W. B. Burke, Gent. vice Bolton. 41st Foot—To be Captain Lieut. E. It. Wethered. To be Lieutenants: Ensign F. B. Dixon, vice Wethered ; and Ensign J. A. Lock- hart. To be Ensigns Gent. Cadet C. V. Fitz Roy, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Dixon; and H. S. Hill, Gent. vice Lockhart. 42d Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. A. H. Chis- holm. To be Lieutenants: Ensign I. C. B. Grove, vice Chisholm; and Ensign D. Mac- pherson. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet R. Whigham, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Grove; and M. Hill, Gent. vice Macpherson. 44th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut, A. Greene. To be Lieutenants: Ensign G. Ingham vice Greene; and Ensign R. Fitz Richard 'Eyre. To be Ensigns: Gent. Cadet P. D. Walters, from the Royal Mill. Coll. vice Ingham; and . 8. Smith, Gent. vice Eyre. 45th Foot—To be Captain Lieuts S. M`Crea. To be Lieutenants: Ensign A. Walker, eke feCrea ; and Ensign 11.Lucas. To be Ensign: J. A. Stubbs, Gent. vice Walker. 46th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. H. F. Sandwith. To be Lieutenants Ensign G. H. Knapp, Tice Sand with ; and Ensign AP. T. Wakly. To be Ensign
Gent. vice Knapp.
47th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. T. Roper. To be Lieutenants: Ensign J. S. Gaynor, vice Roper; and Ensign C. Finnerty. To be En- signs Gent. Cadet a. A. Bloomfield, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Gaynor ; and J. F. W. Mullen, Gent.. vice Finnerty. 48th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. W. It. Williamson. To be Lieutenants Eusign E. Feueran, vice Williamaon ; and Ensign E. G. Horne. To be Ensigu T. C. S. Speedy, Gent. vice Feneran. 49th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. AL W. de la P. Beresford. To be Lieutenants Ensign T. P. St. G. Armstrong, vice Iteresford ; and Ensign W. Earle. To be Ensigns Gent. Ca- det D. ISCDonald, frons the Royal Sta. Coll. vice Armstrong; and J. R. Manic, Gent. vice Earle. 50th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. T. HO- den. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. T. Hick- man, vice Hebden ; and Ensign W. M. Leeds. To be Ensigns : Gent. Cadet R. H. P. Doran, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Hickman; and T. D. Lee, Gent. rice Leeds. list Foot—To be Captain : Lieut. S. A. Madden, To be Lieutenants Ensign H. T. Trafford, vice Madden; and Ensign C. Acton. 64th Foot-To be Captain Lieut, T. H. Powell. To be Lieutenants: Ensign E. Glide, vice Powell; and Ensign R. B. Stokes. To be Ensign: G. L. Whyte, Gent. vice Cliffe. 55th Foot-Tube Captain Lieut. 3. Freed. To be Ltentenants Ensign G. A. Morgan, vice Freud; and Ensign W. M. Taylor. To be Ensigns Gent Cadet W. B. Johnson, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Morgan ; and 7. Trevor, Gent. vice Taylor. 66th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. W. W. Baasett. To be Lieutenants: Ensign P. A. Robertsen, rice Bassett; and Ensign J. F. Baxter. To be Ensign (1. Sims, Gent, Vice Robertson, 68th Foot -To be Captain Lieut. IL C, Baineavis. To be Lieutenants Ensign 8, Withingtoft, vice Balneavis ; and Ensign K. R. Murchison. To be Ensign W. E. Taylor, Gent- vice Withington. 69th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. G. New- cornea. To be Lieutenauts Ensign It. J, Spofforth, vice New comen ; and Ensign I It, Botuferd. To be Ensign: S. L. H. Penney, Gent. vice Spofforth. 60th Foot—To be Captain Lieut, D. D. Mater. To be Lieutenants: Second Lieut, F. Fitzpatrick, vice Muter; and Second Liens. T. S. Riehardson. 624 Foot—To be Captain Lieut, 0.1g. Meson. To be Lieutenants Ensign A. G, Dickson, vice Wilkieson ; and Ensign L. ElakIston. To be Ensign; W. C. Kelly, Gent, vice Dickson. 634 Foot—To be Captain Lieut. A. J. Le Grand. To be Lientennnta : Ensign R. Ben- nett, vice Le Grand; sad Ensign C. A. Hand. To be Ensign; H. F. Brooke, Gent. vice Bennett. 65th Foot—To be Captain Lima. J. Gordon. To be Lieutenants Ensign A. N. Magrath, vice Gordon; and Ensign F. Baillie. To be Ensign 3. W. Lewis, Gent. vice Magrath. 66th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. D. R. Hess. To be Lieutenants Ensign W. H. J. Westby, vice Ross; and Ensign 3. Galbraith. To be Ensign C. A. Shoat, Gent. vice Westby. 67th Foot—TO be Captain: Lieut, R. F. Synge. To be Lieutenants: Ensign It. P. Armstrong, vice Synge; and Ensign G. T. IL Aitchison. To be Ensign J. H. F. Blyth, Gent, Tice Armstrong. Seth Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. T. W. Storer. To be Lieutenants: Ensign It. L. Edwards, vice Storer; and Ensign J. Color, Tobe Ensign E. Deshon, Gent. vice Edwards. 89th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. J. Smyth To be Lieutenants Ensign W. L. Melville- vice Smyth - and Ensign C. W. MIL To be Ensign: it. P. Stirke, Gent. vice Melville. 71st Foot—To be Lieutenant: Ensign W. J. Denny. Tube Ensign: 'W. O'Malley, Gent. 72d Foot—To be Captain: Lieutenant A. Crombie. To be Lieutenants: Ensign C. C. W. Vesey, vice Crombie ; and Ensign J. T. Campbell. To be Ensign S.D. Barges, Gent. vice Vesey. 714 Foot—To be Captaint Lieut. F. Reeve. To be Lieutenants: Ensign J. A. Caldwell, vice Reeve; and Ensign F. Gibaut. To be Ensign: IV. 1. L. Milligan, Gent. vice Cald- well. 76th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. H. H. Lacy. To be Lieutenants: Ensign J. Geddes, vice Lacy; and Ensign H. J. Robinson. To be Ensign Gent, Cadet C. Gaseoigne, from the Royal Ma. Coll. vice Geddes. 77th Foot—To be Captain Lieut. T. 0. Forster. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. Z. Carden rice Forster; and Ensign F. Alder. To be Ensign: Gent. Cadet G. E. Knight, from the Royal Ma. Coll. vice Carden. 79th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. H. Mac- kay. To be Lieutenants Ensign P. Percival, vice Mackay; and Ensign F. C. Turner. To be Ensign: Gent. Cadet G. T. Seovell, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Percival. 80th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. the Hon. a. H. M. Browne. To be Lieutenants: Ensign F. B. N. Craufurd, vice lire wise ; and Ensign H. P. Batehelor. 82d Foot—To be Captain Lieut. H. Brace. Li To be Lieutenants: Ensign J. White, rice Bruce; and Ensign 3. F. Plikington. 85th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. J. B. Young. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. Hal- lo wes, vice Young; and Ensign J. Scott. 88th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. I. IL Burke. To be Lieutenant.: Ensign A. D. Statile, rice Burke; and Ensign R. Grace. To. be Ensign: Gent. Cadet H. H. Day, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Manic. 89th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. G. M. Knipe. To-be Lieutenants: Ensign J. Long- field, vice Knipe ; and Ensign P. linacchbull. To be Ensign H. T. Lloyd, Gent. vice Long field. 90th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut.:. C. Guise. To be Lieutenants Ensign H. Preston, Tice Guise; and Ensign IV. B. %rase. 92d Foot—To be Captain Lieut. A. ld'Ian hi'Donald. To be Lieutenants: Ensign W. Humphreys, vice lir Donald ; and Ensign J. T. Evans. 934 Foot—To be Captain Lieut. W. G A. Middleton. To be Lieutenants Ensign R. Crowe, vice Middleton ; and Ensign J.. Wentre9 Tube Ensign: Gent. Cadet E. A. liall,from the Royal Mil, Coll, Vice Crowe. 96th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. L. Fraser. To be Lieutenants Ensign P.11, Dymock vice Fraser, and Ensign E. D. Smith. To be Ensign Gent. Cadet J. Benison, from the Royal 3111. Coll vice Dymock. 97th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut, A. R. Harene. To be Lieutenants: Ensign E. B. Mack cap, vice Heretic ;and Ensign E. D. Mares. To be Ensign: G. H. H. Ware, Gent. rice Mackesy. 99th Foot—To be Captain: Lieut. L. R. El- liot. To be Lkntenants Ensign 'W. E. O. Weiman, vice ; and Ensign II, F. W. Ely. To be Ensign C. W. Quin, Gent. vice Welman. Rifle Brigade—To be Captains: Lieut. the Hon. W. D. M. Best; and Lieut. C. T. Oxen. den. To be Lieutenants Second Lieut. T. H. Bramston, vice Best; Second Lieut. C. T. BOurchier, vice Oxenden ; %tend Lieut. the Hon. Q. B. Legge; and Second Lieut. E. W. Blackett,