The Austrian Government is evidently nervous about its popularity on
the Adriatic. It recently arrested and expelled an Englishman, Mr. Evans, for unpleaaing statements about the revolt in the Herzegovina ; it has now warned Mr. Still- man, an American, that he must not enter the Austrian domi- nions; and on Tuesday it confiscated a Trieste paper for appearing in black on account of Garibaldi's death. Civil fortitude seems to be the one virtue which Continental statesmen can neither acquire nor affect. They fancy themselves insulted when they are criti- cised, they see danger in caricatures, and as for a demonstration of feeling, it is to them intolerable. They might all be police- men at Ballina, where the authorities treated children's im- pertinence as a sort of treason. Their sensitiveness is, perhaps, not wonderful, as it is only the experience of freedom which teaches officials how little effect criticisms have ; but why do they reveal it so clearly ? They are trained to conceal emotion in diplomacy, yet in civil affairs show themselves utterly hysterical.