[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' -Sr,—As father of the children with whom the experiments in Thought-reading were made, as recorded in the current number of the Nineteenth......
The Value Of Exercise. Cro The Editor Of The "spectator.']
SIR,—I am induced to make a few remarks upon your article on" The Value of Exercise," encouraged to do so by the impres- sion your paper always gives me of being written not by......
"SIGNOR COSTA" AT THE FINE-ART SOCIETY. To the great mass of our readers it is probable that the name of Signor Costa will be perfectly unfamiliar, unless it brings to their......
Dr. John Brown.
(To TIIE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR.") Six, — Having been on the Continent, it was only yesterday that I saw the Spectator of May 20th. Your article "In Memoriam" and "E. M.'s"......