SIR,—The Executive Committee of the Irish Association of Volunteer Training Corps desire me to return you their most sincere thanks for the generous manner in which you have supported the claims of those who have been bereaved and ruined by the death or permanent disable- ment of their breadwinners who were members of our Irish Volunteer Training Corps in the deplorable outbreak in Easter week. These casualties amounted to five killed and seven wounded. They have inquired into the circumstances of these families, and have ascertained that five of them are in immediate and urgent need of financial help. The claims of these families have been laid before the military authori- ties, but it will probably be some time before any payment can be made, This being so, the Executive Committee have opened a fund for their present relief, and already over £300 has been subscribed inside the V.T.C. movement. The Committee feel that they have no claim what- ever upon the Spectator, but they venture to ask you whether you would be so kind as to publish this letter in your next issue so that any of your readers who are disposed to subscribe to the Relief Fund may have an opportunity of doing so.—I am, Sir, &c., R. A. ANDERSON,
IS South Frederick Street, Dublin. lien. Secretary.
[On the contrary, the Committee have a claim on the Spectator and its readers, for they have a claim upon all who profess and call them- selves patriots. We feel sure that those of our readers who put their money on the right horse, and provided the fund required to run the Central Association of V.T.C., will do their share in preventing misery falling upon the families of the gallant Volunteers who bore them- selves so bravely. They were fighting Britain's battles as surely in Dublin as our soldiers in France. Again, the English and Scotch Volunteers whose comrades in arms they were have only to be made acquainted with the facts to find the remedy. One penny from every Volunteer would well soon provide the requisite funds.—En. Spectator.]