10 JUNE 1916, page 13

Officers' Servants.

iTo THE EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."1 Sta,—I cordially agree with Mr. Winston Churchill that too large a proportion of our Army is non-combatant, but I do not consider ti......

"somewhere In Macedonia."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " ECTATOE.1 Sm,—As indicative of what is in the mind of at least some of the men in our Army, I beg to send to you the following extract from a letter......

To The Editor 07 The "sfsotat01.1

Sra,—I have just received my Spectator for last week (May 27th), but I hope I shall not be too late in writing to you. In your comments on the "News of the Week" you speak of......

[to Ths Editor Of The " Spectat01.1

SIR,—With reference to your criticism on Mr. Churchill's speed re " wastage in the ranks." As regards "officers' servants," let me state the facts existing in the battalion to......

"save Us From Our Friends."

;To 1HE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 , Bra,—I thought you might care to have enclosed, which I have translated from the Conversations-Lezikon of Meyer, the great German eneyelo-......

Motor Volunteers.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." Sue,— One hears frequently of the generosity and usefulness of motor-eas owners in coming to the assistance of our wounded soldiers, a phase......

Conscientious Objectors.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE -8PECTATOP..-1 am not a conscientious objector, but one loses nothing, I think, by being fair to one's neighbour, even if one doesn't agree with him, and I......