French Socialists' Policy The critical question in French politics at
the moment is how long M. Daladier can retain the support of the Radicals' allies in the Popular Front, and they, in turn, the support of their more extremist followers. So long as M. Daladier does not try to attack the fundamental achievements of the Front Populaire, he can depend on the Socialist and Communist leaders ; and they thereby protect themselves against an alliance of the Radicals with the Right. Neverthe- less, suspicions of M. Daladier's intentions place a great strain on the discipline of the working-class parties, as was shown by the discussions at the Socialist Congress at Royan this week. The expulsion from the party of M. Pivert, leader of the " dissolved " Socialist Federation of the Seine, and his mixed and fanatical following of left-wing Socialists, Trotskyists, anarchists, and pacifists, means the formation of a new extreme-Left party ; and there is a grave danger of a larger split among the Socialists, with immediate effects on M. Daladier's position in the Chamber. For the moment, however, M. Blum retains the mastery of his party, and he and the Communists' leaders will certainly do all they can to maintain the status quo.
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