Finance And Investment
THE optimists are still doing their best to rally their scat- tered forces, and it really does look as if markets may have reached a new resistance level. On the home front the......
It Is Many Months Ago Since I Suggested, In Emphasising
the investment merits of Edmundsons' Electricity Ordinary shares, that one day the board might see fit to capitalise part of the group's internal reserves and give shareholders......
Spread And 5 Per Cent.
A correspondent, whose wishes may be typical of those of many readers of these notes, asks whether it is possible, "without too much risk," to obtain a 5 per cent. income on a......
Venturers' Corner Without Wishing To Imply That The...
companies which have written down their capital, or contemplate doing so, are always a promising speculation, I invite investors who do not mind taking a risk to look this week......
The Chances Of A Further Rise In Profits Seem To
me to be very good indeed. For the year ended March 31st, 1938, the total income has risen by £69,458 to £867,609, which is equivalent, after allowing for all prior charges, to......