The numbers at the Alarylebone election, officially deci, .ed by
the returning officer, and mentioned in our second edition last aa t k, were— for Lord Teignmoutb, 4,166; Mr. Ewart, 3,762; Cokla I Thomp- son, 186,
A correspondence between Colonel Thompson and Mr. Ewart grew out of the events of the Marylebone election. The Colonel, in an address to the electors of Marylebone which will be kund in our advertising columns, " analyzed the facts " and "improved hem after- wards." Among the causes of the Whig-Radical defeat, the following was stated_ It was notorious, since the Raphael limitiry, that Irish boroughs ai e disposed of lut a contributiem to the Irish military cheat. The ex-Member for 1.1, rpool had uo riatew., which should exempt hirn from the cotillion lot. Ills al 'ointment to iikenny gazetted, but cancelled on the failure which took place 1,, Middlesex. A uatural inference from alt that subsequently metalled WWI, that he 1,1,1 arranged fur the succession to Kilkesiny. with reservation to the candidates for Dtibie and Mithlle- erz iu the event of the failure of either, balanced by an engagement II, in such case he should be seated in the lirst borough in the gift of flit, last.nanied hi. contracting Piwf. There was welling illegal in the plan. or that has not been at wed and de- natal ; hot there was a great deal that was very disagreeable in ala,e 'ebone. Re- Peeled allusions had been made to the seldect during the election, and tt denial or re• futation is known to twee Ewell advanced:. In a letter to the Morning Chronicle, Mr. Ewart, " with feelings in
which indignation prevailed over anger, and sorrow over indignation,' denied the truth of the Colonel's inferences and conjectures.
" The ti hult. of these suppositions (imeupporten s you give them to the world by proof direct or sa.atera1) -elleresoever yea derived them —are utterly unimeded.
"I reject, v. thi intlignaut eoiscio.tenees of truth, the iuterence elects strangely Cab 'literal one. but which you countrymen, I think. will call uneust. " Not only have l never been a contributor in any shape or manner to thefnn which von [Me raised in our °en imagination ; but I never was even a subscriber the Irish national fund.
" The arrangemeut which yon suppose respecting Kilkeuny, and the further arrange. ment which yea stsperadil, nerve had ea-lattice.
"I call on you for your proofs : an I I invite you to summou in evidence not only Mr. O'Connell and the men of Kilkeuny (who sill both hear soar charges with indig- nation), but every testimony, direct or indirect, which yuu can produce from any quarter of the world.
" One word more. Yon add, in your letter, ' Repeated allusions had teen made to the subject (.d Kilkenny) during the (Mary lebone) elective; but no denial or refute• tion is known to have been advanced.
" Sir, if suur imagination had not been more actively employed than your powers of observation. %Olt might have recollected that I publicly stated on the hustings that to the me-a Kilenny only was I indebted for my Utinall' ion there; aud I added that. it any recommendation (to cure of the success of Mr. Hume in Maddlesex) proceeded front Mr. O'Connell, I. believed it was net in favour of me, but of another gentleman."
The indomitable Colonel returned to the charge. In another letter to the electors, he wrote-
- The public will no doubt learn with interest, that Mr. F.wart has never been a contributor in ans shape or manner to a hat I called the Irish military chest ; and I readily assume his declaration to include, that he never will, our is iu any shape or manner expected to coutrilitste to it hereafter, at whatever time he may realize his de. site to obtain a seat in Parliatnent. 'fliers must be more than one Member in the House of Commons, who feels the full weight of the compliment to Mr. Ewatt's intel- lectual powers. But, su far from the fund which I shadowed forth under one of the most reepeetfal titles ever given to it, being a fowl' raised in my °en imagination; t submit that its existence was as open, as tintleniell, as assisted, as fully established on the face of Par- liamentary records, an ever was the fund created lov the sy stem of porc11:1.. in the army. So far from Mr. O'Connell or the men of Kilkenny hertring an !illusion to it with indignation. I submit that they are just as unlikely to do eo, as the officers of the army the assertion that a particular officer timid his COMMiSsiall by purchase. The par- ticular lust time may be contested ; but indignation is the l ist feeling which would be expressed in the prefeesion. It mislit almost be supposed Mr. Ewalt thought I had charged Mr. O'Coutiell and the Irish with somethiug they were enable to defend."
It was not his purpose to intimate anger or avow indignation- '. I have suffered nothing lint what is common to man. Yet I too have have had my sorrows. I ant sorry for the difference of opiuion which het my opponent to take a course against me, which I had is ice refused to take agaiust individuals much less nearly connected in political asFeciation than ourselves. Aud I niu sorry he should have been obliged to site me sent away from a meeting, which ass directly afterwards declared to be a course ence of all parties. But I know that II eandidnte is not always under his own control ; and I have never cant Illellteti on any of thews facts with bitter. beyond the necessity there is fur a political combatant to improve the lapses of the opposing side. if sorrows can pair off, perhaps mine any match with his. I pro- pose. that none of them appear further in the lists of the division."
In a third address to the electors, and through them to the much- amused public, Colonel Thompson gave a report of some remarks he made on the hustings, which the hootings of the mob rendered inau- dible. Mr. Ewart complained of having been called a Whig-
.. What I said on this point in reply was,' That it man might be a Whig now without having been a Whig alert's's; just its my competitor had chosen to call me a Tory- It:elk:al, though the Scotch burghs were Timor enough I was not a Tort.ltailical always. He was a Whig now. who served Whig purposes—who was found with the Whigs at his hack, oppesitig a Radical a ho had been in the sell before him. But it ap- peared that this was not the only case. M y competitor had voliantarily stated, that oely a fortuight before, a proposal had been made to him on the put of the people of Hun, to stand for lien in the event of the expected vacancy. Close as was my communication With that place, this was all news to me. But I saw how the matter was: there Were Whigs at 1101, who thought I went too far. and having fears of my coining on them there again. had invited Mr. Ewart. So far from not being a Whig• it tumid appear be wits become the polished arrow in the Whig quiver. two or three were gathered together to keep out a Riveted, there was he in the midst of them. against myself, lie would seem to be used by the Whigs as a sort of generel vaccine--a cow- pock inoculation, tt minor evil to which they aro willing ha submit, to keep out me who am a worse dieeitse. I could not agree that after this, there was any hardship in my calling him a 'Whig; or if there was, his calling me a Tory-Radical was a fait set-off.' " The Liberal papers in Hull, however, deny that any invitation was sent to Mr. Ewart. But " I see how it is," says Colonel Thompson " Like the three tailors of Tooley Street, three Whigs have been min_ taken for 'the people.' Let there never be any bitterness among us : we all are right when we can, and wrong when we know no better."