Sir Edward Codrington Made A Complaint In The House Of
Commons, on Monday , against the Spectator. He complained of a misrepresen- tation of his remarks on Lord Brougham's speech- " The mistake bad appeared in the 'Spectator......
Among The Reasons Which Induced The Tories To Shield Lord
Glen- elg, and direct their sham attack against the Ministry as a body, was the personal esteem and friendship for the Colonial Secretary, enter- tamed by many members of the......
Dr. Lee Has Made Over To The Astronomical Society, Of
which he is the Treasurer, the perpetual advowson of Hartwell, in Buckingham- shire. The Bury Town-Council have received the opinions of the Attorney and Solicitor-Generals, and......
Sir Henry Parnell's constituents are not taking any notice of his ab- sence from the Ballot division; and in the mean while, Sir Henry is doing his best to keep the monied men......
A Correspondence Between The Bi I Shop Of Exeter And Lord...
has appeared in the newspapers, relative to the opinions expressed by Lord Howick in Parliament on the Irish Church, and commented ea by the Bishop in his speech last week on......
C'bc Country.
Sir Edward Filmer was elected Member for West Kent at Maidstone, on Monday. There was 110 opposition to the Tories. The election of a Member to serve in the room of Sir Gerard......
Lord Brougham Was Elected Lord Rector Of Marischal...
on Thursday. His competitors were Lord Lyndhurst and Mr. Colquhoun. The numbers were—for Brougham, 97; Lyndhurst, 84; Colquhoun, 84.......
The Berwick Fishermen Have Had No Occasion To Go To
sea this week ; the fish, singular as the fact may seem, having actually come on shore to them--glad to take shelter, it is supposed, from the fury of the storm. We understand......
Mr. John Maurice Herbert, A Barrister, Has Been Appointed An
Al- sistant Tithe Commissioner. Mr. William Cowper, Lord Melbourne's nephew and private secre- tary, was thrown from his horse on Thursday, while on his road to Buckingham......