Among the reasons which induced the Tories to shield Lord
Glen- elg, and direct their sham attack against the Ministry as a body, was the personal esteem and friendship for the Colonial Secretary, enter- tamed by many members of the Tory party ; with whom, it must he remembered, Lord Glenelg was brought up and acted during the best years of his life, and whom he has bad many opportunities of obliging when in office.
On dit, that the Duke of Wellington and the Tory Lords, do have been hitherto content to take him as their leader, are not at pre. sent on the best of terms. The Duke, forsooth, was very angry be, cause of their voting against him on Lord Brougham's Eastern Slave. trade motion ; and they, on the other band, have assured the mighty Duke, that such wilfulness and indiscretion as he exhibited will never do in the leader of a party. 'Tis a very pretty quarrel.