trbr Court.
LENT keeps the Court in a state of outward dulness. The Queen rides out generally in the morning, and has small dinner-parties in the evening. On Thursday, her Majesty held a Council; at which the Duke of Hamilton was introduced and took the oath of Privy Coun- cillor. Afterwards the Queen gave audiences to Lord Melbourne, Lord Cottenham, Lord John Russell, Lord Glenelg, (who no doubt received Royal congratulations on his escape, and a recommendation to take his usual repose,) Lord Hill, and Lord Palmerston. Lord Melbourne appears to have dined With the Queen only four times this week ; but he has called at the Palace every morning, Sunday included.
The Queen went to Covent Garden Theatre on Tuesday evening, accompanied by the Dutchess of Kent, Lady Charlemont, and Lord Fingall. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, with a splendid party, dined with Lord Francis Egerton, at Bridgewater House, on Saturday. Queen Adelaide is in good health. She visited the Queen at Buckingham Palace on Monday.