Then whip" for the division of Thursday was severe on
both sides. The Tories, though eschewing foreign aid, determined to make a formidable demonstration of their own strength ; and that zealous cripple, Sir WATKIN WYNN, came down after dinner, on Wednesday evening, to swell their muiter-roll. On the other hand, the Minis- terialists were in a perfect agony of activity. and exceedingly anxious. Mr. BANNERMAN was expected by the steamer from Scotland ; scouts were en the look-out for his arrival, and Bannerman is coming!" or " Is Banner limn come?" was in many a Ministerial mouth. Mr. GIBSON, whose qualification had been voted insufficient by the Belfast Committee more than a week before, and who therefore should have been ashamed to vote on his mere formal right, suffered himself to be dragged down to the House to support the Minister. The conduct of Lord Bei.easr, his colleague, was scarcely less discreditable : he voted at three o'clock on Thursday morning, and before three in the after- noon gave up his seat in the Committee. Many of the Absentees on both sides had the excuse of illness in their own persons, or of illness or deaths in their families.