On the 27th ult., at Park Street, Grosvenor Square, the Lady of the lion. W. FRASER
of a son.
At Derwent Lodge, Keswick, the lion. Mrs. J. R. CURZON. of a daughter. On the 6th inst., in Doughty Street. Mrs. CHARLES DICKENS, of a daughter. Ou the 5th inst., in Great George Street, Westminster. the Wife of S. Vir.t.t IRS Soa- rers, Esq., one of her Majesty's .1 tulges in the island of Mauritius, of a son. Ou the 3d inst., at Chelteuhatu, the Lady of Capt. TINLINO, of the 64th Regiment, of a son.
On the 18th ult.. at Col. William Gooch's, Carlton, near Pontefract, the Lady of the Rev. Hammy M MIAS Ames, of a son.
On the 27th ult., the Lady of Jetta F. VAUGHAN. Esq.. of Courtaeld, Monmouth-
shire, of a daughter. On the 28th ult., at Norton Vicarage, Berta, the Lady of the Rev. Jossim BURGES WATSON, of a daughter At Rotterdam, of twin sons, the Lady of JAMES LAMING, Esq. MARRIAGES.
On the 1st Wt., at Fresidield, Somerset, the Earl or ARRAN to ELIZABETH, daughter
of Colonel Napier. C.B. At Calais, the Rev. T. NOEL to HENRIETTA ELIZABETH FISHER, both of Calais.
At Mansfield, Captain R. H. H. FlOOT, R.N., of Southwell, to CATHERINE, daughter
of the late Rev. J. Parsons. Rector of Cossington, Derby. On the 5th Inst., at St. Pancras New Church, RICHARD ROLISTON, Esq., of Heath House, Bushbury, near Wolverhampton, Stuffordshire, to SUSANNAH, only daughter of the late Stapley Blanton. Esq., London. DEATHS.
On the 6th inst., at Cottsmore. Rutland, the Countess of LONSDALE, in her 78th year. Lieut. Colonel WATSON, 55th Bengal N.L. on the passage home from Calcutta. On board the ship Bengal, OD the passage from Caleuttu to London, W. NI OR iser. Esq. On the 3d of October, at Canton. FREDERICK PERCEVAL AILLETN. Esq., formerly for many years surgeon of the Hon. Company's ship General Kyd.
On the 25th ult., at Torpoiut, Cornwall, Commander it/FIN EDWARDS, R.N.
On the 3d lust., EDWARD Suzwzid., Esq., Lewes, in his 734 year. Ou the 3d inst., at his house in Sloane Street, ARTHUR DOWNF.S, Esq., in his 82d year. On the 4th inst., at Plinustead Common, Kent, in her Mill year. 51AHOARZT BAYNES. reliet of the late Alexander Bayues, Esq., and sistea to the late Lieut. General Sir Julio
Macleod, Royal Artillery.
On the 26th alt.. at Old Swinford, Worcestershire, in her 88th year, SUSANNA, relict of Oven Bate, Esq. At Edinburgh, A. MACRINLAY, Esq., in his 86th veal.
At Bronvedw, Carnarvon, Mrs. ANSI PARRY, in her 91st year.