Ackland, Sir T. D. De Horsey, S. H. Houldsworth, T. Perceval, Hon.G. J. Acland, T. D. Dick, O. Houstoun, 0. Peyton, IL A'Court, Captain D'Israelt, B. Howard, Hon. W. Pigot, IL
Mare, Viscount Dottie, A. R. Htuhes, \V. IL I'lanta, Rt. Hoer. J. Alexander, Viscount Douglas, Sir C. E. Hurt. F. Pluniptre..1. P.
Alford, Viscount Douro, Morquis of lugestrie, Viscount Polhill, F. Alsager, Captain Dowdeswell, W. Inglis, Sir 11. II. Pollen. Sir J.W. Arbuthnot, lion. II. Duffield, T. Irton, S. Powell, Colonel Ashley, Lord Duncombe, Hon. W. Irving, J. Powerscourt, 'Inset. Ashley. lion. H. Ditucumbe, lion. A Jackson, Sergeant Freed. W.51. Attwood. W. Dungannon, Viscountlames, Sir W. C. Price, R. A ttwood. 51. East, J. 11 Jenkins, R. Pringle, A.
Rogge, W. Eastuor, Viscount Ilugot, lion. W'. Eaton, 11. 3. Bailey, J.. junior Egerton, W T. Baillie, Colonel Egerton, Sir P. Baker, E. Egerton, Lord F. Baring, lion. F. Eliot, Lord
Baring, lion. V. B. Ellis, J. 13,trueby..1. Estcourt, T.
Jermyn, Earl of Posey, 1'. Johnstone, U. Reid, Sir J. it. Jones. .1. Richards, R. Jones, W. Bicknell, W. Junes, T. Rolleston, L. _
Kemble H. Rose. Rt. Hon. Sir L'• Kerrinot 4 Sir E, Bound. C. G.
Kirk, P. Round, 3,
Viecanot Esteotirt, 1'. pwringlot Farnham, K. B. Bateman, . Fa. rand. it.
Bate*I' Skt ". F. it en, W. Bell Id. Fellow en E
k Lord G. ' . Wtl .t.
.hite , nitm.r, sir . Bethell, IL
Fitzroy, lion. H.
Bl"kb"rne'skr. S. Fleming, .1.
Blackstone, Foley. E. T.
Bleauerhasse . FF.0,111,:re! Sir w. .. w. Blair' j. tt A. K ilittelilitill, H ti•SirE .1tusishrooke, Colonel Kiii.:10, II. G. Rosloott, 0. Knit:1'01.y, Sir C. St. Paul. H. Lascelles• 11011. W. S.S inaerson. R. Law, 11011. C. E. lull. to, Viscount Letroy, night Hon. T.Searleti, Hon. 3 Y. Lewis, W. Searleit, Hon. It. 11.111..11. Hon. 11. '1'. Shaw. Right lion. F.
Lincoln, Eat I of Shiu1Mrtl,'I'. L.inoo, E. Shin e∎, H.S.
Lockhart. A. M. Siltthorp. Colonel
Ltigno, IL siowlair, Sir G.
Lowther, J. II. Smith, A.
Locos, E. Sruy ill,Sir G. II.
lay goo, lion. Gem Somerset, Lord G.
51.tekeure. 'I'. Spry. Sir S. T.
Mackenzie, W. F. Stantev, E.
Bolden/. H• G.
Forester, Iron. G. Bosies.W. Freshneld, .1, W, Baths iek, P. Gaskell. J. M. Bradslonv, J.
era",,T,W, Gibson. T.
Gladstone. W. E.
Broelley, H.
Gly one, Sir S. R. Broalwood, IL
Goddard, A. Al :without°, W. A. Statile■ , Lora Bs:mates S Nadeau, D. Stewart, J.
Godson. R. Brea., Lord S •
gmge,, W. H. L. Gordon, lion. Copt. NI:thou, Viscount Stuart, IL
' Moitbtotte, Lord Stun, II. C.
n„ co. Y. Gore. O. J. R.
Gottiburn, Rt. lion HAI antlers. Cord C. S. Sugden. itt.lin.SitE.
Bump. Graham, [kiln. sir J.Marst and, T. Teignmouth, Lord Burrell, Sir C. iwg. H. N. Granby. Marquis of Mart. Is, G. Tinton...on, Alderman moron Calera% J. H. Grant, lion. Colonel Master. T w. C. Thornhill. U.
Al otinsell, 'I'. P. Tollemache. F. J.
ea p 11 Sir H. Greene. T.
Maxwell. Ii. Trench, Sir F. .-1:0•Ibiteg.Ht.Hn.Sir S.Gritustlitch. T.
("•,` (mope, Viscount Grimston, Viscount Meynell. Captain Trevor. Hon G. It. caitterregli, Lord G ri union. Hon. E. ILM des, W. Vere. Sire. B.
eland" Marquis hale, R. B. Miles, P. W. S. S enter, Colonel 'IS lie Colonel Hotfoot, ii. Miller, W. II. Villiers, Viscount Ctsapaptino, A. liaise, J. Willies. H. M. Vivian, J. E.
Chisholm, A. W. ar liconn. G. G. Mon) penny, T. G. Webby, 0. E. Christopher, LA. Harcourt, 0. S. Mold:tont. Sir J. 55 hit more, T. C. Chute, w. L. W. H tinting, ROI 0.Sir 11.Niorgan, C. H. It. luY.iiIiIrrarlitiareme., W. Clive, lion.R. II Hawked, T. Divehi, J. li Nreld. J. Williams. It.on. B.
Codringtoo, C. IV. Hayes, Sir E. Cele,11.w. A.H. il eat licote, Sir W. IN felon, J. Williams. 'T. P. Cole, Viscount Henniker. Lord Northland, Viscount W odeltonse. E.
Colepthoun, J. C. Herbert, Hun. S. O'Neil, lion. J. It. R. Wood, Colonel T. Compton, H, C. Henley, Rt. lion. J.C,Ossolston. Lord Wood, Y.
Coolly, E. Hill, Sir it. Parke. C. W. W) odim, W. Code, Sir C. IL Hillsborough, Earl of Pakington, J. S, Wj on. li t. H n.C.W.
Palmer, R. W!, tin, Sir W. W.
Coprlsod, Alderman Hinde, J. II.
Carry, Hon. 11. Hodgson, P. Palmer, G. Yorke. lion. E. T. Hodgson, IL Parker, NIL Young, J.
Courtney, P. Crewe, Sir G. Hogg. J. W. Porker, It. T. lining. Sir W.
Capps, J. Holmes. lion.W. A'C.Parker, Y. A. W. Dalrymple, Sir A. Holmes, W. Patten, J. W. TELLERS.
Duerr, Hon, D. Hope, 0. W. Peel. Rt. lion. Sir It. Darby G. Hope, 11m. J. Peel, J. Fremantle, Sir T. Darlington, Earl of (lope, II. T. Pemberton, T. Bating. H. Davenport, J. Hollws, Lord Perceval, Colonel
Arhems, Viscount Denison, NV. J. Jeplison, C. D. 0. Rundle, J.
Adam, Admiral Denuistoun, J. Jervis, S. Hassell, Lord J.
Agliouby, H. A. D'Eyucu.urt•Rt.Iln.C.Kiunaird, lin. A. F. It inst.% Lord C.
Aglionby, Major Dived, E. Laboueliere, II u. H. Russel!. Lord Ainsworth, P. Duckworth, S. La •,bton, H. Salwey, Colonel Alston, R. Duff, J. Langdale, lion. C. Sanford, E. A.
Andover. Viscount Duke, Sir J. Langton, W. U. Schulefleid, J.
Anson, Hon. ColonelDmican, Viscount Le1'evre, C. S. Scrope,O. P.
Alvah Sir G, Duncom be, T. Lemon. Sir C. Seale, Colonel
Archbold, R. Donato, C. W. D. Lennox. Lord G. Seymour. Lord Nino& T. Dundas, F. Lennox, Lord A. Sharpe, General Bann, B. Hondas, lion. J. C. Levesots, Lord Shell. R. L. Ball, S. Dundee, Hon. T. Lister, E.C. Shelburne, Earl of Baring, F. T. Pandas, Captain D. Loch. J. Stoney, R. A. Barnard, E.G. Dunlop. J. Long, W. Smith, J. A. Barron, II. W. Easthope, J. laishiugton, Dr. Smith, lion. R.
Barry, G. S. Ebrington, Lord Lushington, C. Smith, iitel nis 1{ . . 3 K. r
British, F. B. Eliot, lion. 3. E. Lynch, A. H. Somers.
Beirut, Earl of Ellice, Captain A. Macleod, R. Somerville, Sir W. M. Bellew. It. M. Ellice, Right Hun. E•Mactiatnara, Major Speirs, A.
MAI, J. Ellice. E'. Ai aelaggart, J. Spencer, lion. F.
Sentina, Lord IV. }Dwell, R. Maher, J. Standish. C. Berkeley, Hon. II. Euston, Earl of Mahon). P. Stanley, M.
Berkeley, Hon. O. Evaus,Sir IL L. Marshall, W. Stanley, W. O. Berkeley, Hon. C. Evans, G. Al arslatal, II. Stansfield. W. R. C.
Aerial, IL Evans, W. Martin, J. Staunton. Sir G.T. BeW06, T. Fazakerley, J. N. Maule, lion. F. Stewart, J. Blacken, C. Fenton, J. Mottle, W H. Stuart, Lord J.
Blake, NI. 3 . Ferguson, Sir R. Melt:and, Lord Stuart, V.
Blake, W. 3. Ferguson. Sir It. A. Al ildniay, P. St. J. Strangways, lion. J. Blewitt, R. J. Ferguson. It. AI iltou, Lord Strickland, Sir G. Blunt, Sir G. Fergusson, Rt. lin. C.Morpeth, Viscount Stroll, E. bodkio, J. J. Finch. F. Morris, D. Style, Sir C.
Bowes, 3. Fit salon, Lord M tirray, it t. 11 n. J. A.Surty, Earl of Branson, Lord Fitzgibbon, Hon. Col,N1 t,kett, G. A. Talbot, C. R. M.
Srabszon, Sir W. Fitzpatrick, J. W. Nagle, Sir It. Talbot, J. II. Bridgeman, H. Fitzroy. Lord C. O'Brien, C. Tattered, II. W.
Briscoe, J. I. Fitzsimon, N. O'Brien, W. S. Thomson, liou. C. 1'. Braekleherst, J. Fleetwood, P. II, O'rellaglian, lln. C. Thornely, T. Brodie, W. B. Fort, J. O'Connell, It. Townley, R. G. Brothetton, J. French, F. 0 Connell, .1. Trunbridge. Sir E. T.
Browse, R. D. Gibson, J. O'Cutittell, M. J. Turner, B. Bryon, G. Gillen, W. D. O'Conuell, Al. Turner, W. Bullet, C. Gordon, IL O'Connor I km Verney, Sir II. Buller, E. Goring, II. D. 0' Fer. all, R. AL Vigors, N. A. BnIser, E. L. Ord, W.
Grattan, J. Villiers, C. F.
Bairiki. W. Grattan, If • Puget, Lord A. Vivian, Major C. Butler, lion. ColoneiGreenawiy,C. Paget, F. Vivian, J. II. Bing, G. Grey. Sir O. E. Palmer, C. F. Vision, tin. Sir IL II.
Ihng.Right Hon.G.S.Grey, Sir G. Palmerston, ViscountWakley, T. Callaghao, D. Grosvenor. Lent R. Parker, J. Walker, C. A.
Campbell, Sir J. Guest, J. J.
Campbell, W. F. Hall, B. Parnell, tin. Sir 11. Wallace,I V s l ke• litt.. Parrott, 5.
Comae, Sir J. R. Bellybutton, Ld. I). Pattison, J. Wallitirton, II. Care, R. O. iiandlev, H. Ward, II. 0.
Cavendish, Hon. C. lCrrlatl, W. C. Pease. .1.
Peelte'll, C aptain Wemyss, J. E.
Cavendish, Hon.G. ILII arvey, I). W. Cayley, E. S. hustle, A. Pentlat ves, E. W. W. Westenra, lion. 11 It.
Philips, Sir It. Weatenra, lion. J. C. Chalmers, P. flames, B.
Ch ter, H. Hawkins, J. II.
Chetwynd, Major liavter, W. G. Chichester, J. P.D. Heatheoat, J.
Childers, J. W. I leathcote, G.J. Clay, W, II eneage, E.
Chilton, Sir W. U. Hipdley, C. Clemeuts, Viscount Mulhouse. Sir J. Clive, E. B. Hobliouse, T. B. Cadrington, Admiral Hodges, T. L. Collier, J. Hollond, IL Collin., W. liorsman, E.
Colquhoun, Sir J. Hoskins, K. Cowper, HOD. W. F. Howard, F. J.
CC'ail' W. G. • Howard, P. II. Philips, M. White, A. Philips, G. R. White. IL Pinney, W. White, S. Ponsouby, C. F. A. C.Wilbraham, G. Ponsonbv, Ilan, J. Wilde, Sergeant Poulter,3. S. Williams, W.
Power, 3. Williams, W. A. Power, J. Wilshere, W. Price, Sir R. Winn i ngton, T. E. Pmtheroe, E. Winningtou, 11. J. Pryme, 0. Wood, C. Ramsbottom, J. Wood, Sir M.
RedIngton, 1'. N. Wood, 0. W.
Rice, E. R. Worsley, Lord Rice, Rt. Hon. T. S. Woulte, Sergeant , . !toward, It. Rich, II. W right son, W . B. prompt, . S. Carrie, B. Howick, Viscount R ippon, C. Wyse, T. Home, J. Roche, E. B. Yates, J. A. Curry, W. llomphery. J. Roche, W.
baltrlebv. Lord Hurst, H. II, Roche, D. TELLERS. bashwoZxl G H. Hutton, R. Rolfe, Sir R. AI. Stanley, E. J.
min, Colonel James, Ws Rumbuld, C. E. Steuart, R.