Mademoiselle Luther, who so delighted all the habitués of St. James's -in La Joie fait Peur, now reigns supreme at the Theatre au Vaudeville. In a new three-act piece by MM. Anicet Bourgeois and Decourcelle, prettily entitled La Joie de in Maieon, she is an amiable girl, who recon- ciles a separated father and mother; and in a trifling work by MM. Marc Michel and Labiche, called Monsieur votre Elk, she is an Amazon, whom jealousy alone can induce to wear female attire. Two new pieces, both dependent on the talents of an actress, are sufficient to show the high po- sition of the lady. The appeal of M. Vatel against the decision of the lower court in fa- vour of Colonel Ragani has terminated in the defeat of the appellant ; the Cour Imperiale having confirmed the decision in question. The court seems to have been chiefly influenced by the fact, that I Puritani was produced at the Italiens in 1836, and played for three consecutive years without complaint being made ; three years being the limitation for the enforcement of rights prescribed by the French law. This decision is most important, since it allows a number of the most popular Italian libretti to remain unencumbered with the authorial rights of French originators.