Relieving The Poor.
London, 6th March 1856. Sm—As the question of Poor-relief has lately been exciting some notice, perhaps you will permit one who has been practically involved in its diffi-......
Notes And Q,itertes. The " Memoir Addressed To The Emperor
Napoleon by a General Officer" is an exceedin g ly distinct illustration' of the different workin g of the press and its laws in France and En g land. The " General Officer" was......
• Tettro To Qt Ittitor.
PROMOTION BY PIIRCIIA.SE IN THE ARMY. Florence, 27th February 1855. Sin—I perceive by your columns that Lord Goderich has on the books of the House of Commons a notice on......
Roman Catholic Processions.
8th March 1855. Sin—Will you allow me to draw the attention of those of your readers who take an interest in the subject, to what strikes me as a singular over- sight in the......