44t Court.
THE Qum; , Prince Albert, and two of the children, accompanied by the Duke of Cambridge, left Buckingham Palace on Saturday morning, and proceeded by railway to Strout Here the Corporation of Rochester_pre- sented an address to her Majesty. The Queen's party, attended by Lord Hardinge, then went in carriages to Fort Pitt, and afterwards to the Invalid Depot, and there saw and conversed with the men who have lately returned wounded from the Crimea : her Majesty saw no fewer than 460 patients. While the Queen was at Fort Pitt, an address was presented to her from the Court Leet of Chatham. Yesterday the Queen and Prince Albert paid a visit to Woolwich : after reviewing a troop of Horse and a battery of Foot Artillery, they proceeded to the Hospital, and saw the artillerymen who have returned wounded from the Crimea. The Queen also went through the Arsenal and Laboratory, and inspected the new ambulance-waggons.
The Queen held the first levee of the season on Wednesday afternoon, at St. James's Palace. There was a very full attendance of Foreigri Ministers and of Naval and Military men. Lord Clarendon had audience of her Majesty on Monday, and.,Mr. Charles Villiers on Thursday. Prince Albert took Prince Ernest of Saxe Leiningen to the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, on Monday; Wednesday, the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred visited Walker md Parker's shot-tower and lead-works. On Thursday, the Princess Royal and Princess Alice visited the Zoolo- gical Gardens in Regent's Park ; while the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred went to the Photographic Institution. Tho Queen and Prince Albert dined with the Duke of Cambridge, in St. James's Palace, on Wednesday. Last night they were at the Lyceum Theatre.
Among the Queen's guests at Buckingham Palace have been, Prince Ernest of Saxe Leiningen, the Sardinian Minister, General Della Mar- mora, Lord Cardigan, Lord Panmure, Lord Elgin, Lord and Lady Over- stone, General Vivian, the Duke of' Newcastle, Lord and Lady Lynd- hurst, Rear-Admiral Richard Dundee, and Major Maude.