The death of the German Emperor renders the negotia- tions
about Bulgaria of minor importance ; but we record their progress and their meaning elsewhere. We need only mention here that the Sultan has overrridden his Ministers, and that, in deference to Russian and German pressure, a message was sent to Sofia on the 5th inst., informing the Bulgarian Government that the Government of Turkey still holds the presence of Prince Ferdinand at the head of the Prin- cipality to be a breach of the Treaty of Berlin. M. Stambou- loff, the Premier, has replied by a despatch containing the equiva- lent of the words "All right," and intends to go on as befote ; but it is certain that the notification will increase the activity of the Prince's enemies. The Odessa correspondent of the Be. lames's Gazette telegraphs that the Russian Govern- ment has requisitioned all Black Sea steamers for warlike pur- poses, but there is as yet no confirmation of that statement. If it is true, the Czar means to occupy Eastern Ronmelia in the Sultan's name, and not Bulgaria, the latter of which is pro- tected by the Treaty, while the former is not. All action, how- ever, will be suspended until men see how the strange drama about to be enacted in Germany will finally end.