A Marked Man. By Faucet Streets. (mawson And Co., Sunder-
land.)—This is a story (of the series of " Mawson's Northern Tales ") dealing with the relations of capital and labour, not without merit, but somewhat crude. The most......
Russian Fiction. The Heroine, Unhappy In Her Family...
entangled in the plots of some Nihilist conspirators. Her enthusiasm is dispelled by her discovery of the vagueness of purpose and the personal unworthiness of her associates.......
Pine And Palm. By Molinaro Conway. 2 Vols. (chatto And
Windus.)—Mr. Conway opens his story at Harvard, where Randolph Stirling, of Virginia, and Walter Wentworth are fellow-students in the law schools and intimate friends. But the......
Illusions. By Mrs. Musgrave. 3 Vols. (bentley And...
marshals one posse of men and another of maids, and pairs off the constituent individuals, not, of course, without some difficulties and misunderstandings,—for how, without......
An Actress's Love-story. By Eva Rose Church. 2 Vols. (f.
V. White and Co.)—We learn from the preface, written by the author's mother, that this was the author's first effort in literature, and that it was finished but a few weeks......
Sermons.—man's Knowledge Of Man And Of God. The Donnellan...
1884-85. By the Rev. R. T. Smith. (Macmillan.) —Bishop Butler, in the "Analogy," assumed, without making an effort to demon- strate, the existence of God. To "underpin his work......
The Sport Of Chance. By William Sharp. 3 Vols. (hurst
and Blackett.)—Mr. Sharp has invented for his novel a villain whose irre- pressible wickedness reminds us of the career of that monster of crime, Polichinello. The way in which......
We Have Received A Very Convenient And Handsome Volume, The
Roman Missal, Adapted to the Use of the Laity. (R. Washboarne.) It is bound in a way that promises to add durability to its other good qualities.......
Only A Coral Girl. By Gertrude Ford. 3 Vols. (hurst
and Blackett.)—Keith Ronaldson woos and weds a beautiful girl of Capri, a coral-seller, whom he sees on the steps of his hotel. He takes her home to England, where she, having a......