Bullet and Shot in Indian Forest, Plain, and Hill. By
C. E. Russell. (W. Thacker and Co. 10s. 6d.)—It would seem as if the sportsmen of to-day are more inclined than the older genera- tion to enable others to participate in their enjoyment. Nothing can exceed the care, for instance, with which Mr. Russell studies the question of shooting and equipment, and gives general advice in dealing with the natives, for the guidance of beginners. One can easily imagine that such a sportsman would do his best to put a casual visitor in the way of sport. This is not invariably the ease, Mr. Russell supplies a great deal cif interesting information about the game he has shot, and must be a careful student of their habits. He gives many animals credit for more cunning, and even reason, than the average hunter endows them with, though probably not more than they are entitled to. He is one of those men who want an explanation for everything ; and, on the whole, a man of this analytic temper of mind is almost certain to know more of animal habits, for wild animals are creatures of habit, though easily deflected. It is here where we are so often puzzled. A little less of the why and the wherefore would have made many of his pages more interesting. Nevertheless, there are some curious and striking facts recorded, and his review of Indian game and their habitat and other particulars is very complete. He describes all species of game, whether it has been his fortune to hunt them or no, and discusses all necessary accessories which otherwise are only learnt from a tedious and expensive experience. He mentions a tigress, by the way, who is computed to have killed ninety human beings ! The travelling powers of a man-eater seem to be unlimited, for Colonel Pollok, we well remember, though he got on to the track of a man-eater the moment the news was brought to him, had the chagrin of knowing that she killed nine persons more before being brought to book by a herd of buffaloes. Mr. Russell's book is decidedly a useful addition to Indian sporting literature, though his dry, matter-of-fact style robs the subject of much of its fascination.