The Actual Figures In Regard To The Estimated Revenue And
expenditure for the coming year are RECEIPTS. Ordinary Revenue £116,900,000 Sew Taxes: Income-tax, 4d 6,500,000 Tea, 2d. per lb 1,800,000 Beer, la a barrel 1,752,000 Spirits,......
But For The War The Surplus Would Have Been One
of about 25,000,000, and we may, in fact, in spite of the war, congratu- late ourselves on a year of unexampled prosperity. The yield of the Death-duties has been most......
The Germans Are In Some Danger Of Beginning A Bitter
quarrel with America. The Agrarian party, which has dis- liked the Navy Bill from the first, as a Bill essentially in the interest of commerce, are threatening to oppose it, and......
The Discussion Of The Budget In The House Of Commons
on Monday night was for the most part either perfunctory or irrelevant. On Tuesday, however, Sir William Harcourt made a speech in which the criticisms were of real value. We do......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. John Redmond,
as leader of the Irish party, made a speech in regard to the wearing of the shamrock and the Queen's visit to Ireland which, given his point of view, must be pronounced to have......
The Change Of Opinion Among The Graver Journals Of Europe
in consequence of Lord Roberts's victories appears to be nearly complete. The Russian newspapers are still almost hysterical with anger, but the German and French writers......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach Opened His Budget On Monday At A
much earlier date than usual, owing to the fact that in anticipation of increased taxation vast quantities of dutiable articles were being removed from bond at the old rates.......
The Accounts Of The Famine In India Are Still Terrible.
The Government report that in spite of the strictest precautions against needless demands the number of persons in actual receipt of relief approaches five millions, and the......