The British public is in no mood to attend to
occurrences in the Balkan Peninsula, but we may record the fact that. according to the Vienna correspondent of the Times, a surprise is expected there. The Prince of Bulgaria, it is believed, intends at once to assume the Royal 'title. He believes that this will strengthen his position, and is besides vexed to see honours accorded to Alexander of Servia which are refused to himself. The step is approved at St. Peters- burg, though disliked in Vienna, but the great difficulty is to obtain even the passive consent of the Sultan. It involves the practical cession of part of Roumelia, and the Mahom- medan rule is that Musaulman territory should neVer be surrendered unless it has been taken by the sword. The Prince is certainly in earnest on the subject, and it is not unreasonable to suspect that he is contemplating a new marriage, which his admission into the circle of reigning Sovereigns would facilitate.