The delegates of the British Rubber Growers' Associa- tion have
just returned from New York, where they had a. number of discussions with members of the Rubber Association of America. They are to be congratulated on the success of their mission, which serves to emphasize the importance of personal contact in international affairs. The British delegates say in their report :— " There is general appreciation of the need for the legislative measures taken by the Eastern Governments. . . . There is a keen desire to see stability in the price of rubber. . . . The Americans feel, however, that they are entitled to ask, and they do most strongly urge, that a declaration be made by or on behalf of the Governments controlling the Restriction of Exports, to the effect that if the legislation at present enacted should prove to be insufficiently elastic to furnish adequate supplies of rubber for the needs of the industry as and when required, steps will be taken by those Governments to release additional exports more rapidly than present legislation admits. This request for a declaration has the support of Mr. Hoover, Secretary of State for the Department of Commerce at Washington."