Mr. E. F. Wise Has Resigned From The Civil Service
to become director of the London Office of the Soviet Russian Co-operative Societies. Mr. Wise has long been known as one of the most able and energetic of the younger Civil......
The Question Of The Scale Of Hungarian Payment Is To
come before the Reparations Commission almost immediately. It seems that our rejoicings over the rehabilitation of Austria must now give place to be- moanings over the plight......
On Monday In The House Of Commons, Sir M. Barlow,
Minister of Labour, moved his measure of 'Unemploy- ment Insurance, which is designed to fdl up some of the gaps in previous Acts. No one seemed to like the measure much, but no......
During The Week The .government Have Lost No Less Than
three by-elections, at all of which Ministers were defeated. We deal in our leading columns with the political significance of these untoward events. Here we merely record that......
Mr. Wheatley, One Of The Labour Members Who Issued The
now notorious report on their visit to the Ruhr, made an interesting speech, which showed how con- siderable was the divergence between his and his friends' views and that of......
The Result Of The Debate On The Lausanne Treaty In
the Angora National Assembly is, on the whole, more promising than was expected. As we predicted last 'week, the Turks have not signed the Treaty as it stands, but they have put......
Before This Debate On The Ruhr, Parliament Had Been Engaged
on most useful but' comparatively minor work. On Thursday, March 1st, it is true, the question of with- drawal from Mesopotamia was again discussed, but only - in Committee of......
This Is The Main Contention Of A Most Important Memorandum
on the Funding of International Debts.. which has been drawn up by a,Committee of the" Indus- trial Group" of the House of Commons, and published in Thursday's Times. The......