[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—For some twelve years a hostel in Charlotte Street has been run by the Y.W.C.A., offering a safe and comfortable home for some fifty or sixty girls connected with the stage. This cannot be run cheaply as it must be situated near the theatres and agents, and consequently where rates and taxes are high. The cost per head works out roughly at 30s. a _week. Few girls, however, can afford to pay the full price ; the charge for food and cubicles must be kept within the means of those who need the hostel most, and special Allowances have to be made for girls who have a long wait between two engagements.
It is obvious, therefore, that the hostel can never be quite self-supporting. It is now faced with the extra expense of moving, as the present lease has expired. Larger and better premises have been secured in Guilford Street, W.C., to accommodate 65 girls. In order to carry out the necessary repairs and renovations, effect the move, and to have some -funds in hand to meet the increased rent, at least a3,000 is required. We feel sure that the theatre-going public will gladly contribute to help those who minister to their Amusement.
Subscriptions may be sent to the Secretary, Theatrical Hostel, 26 George Street, Hanover Square, W. 1.—We are, Sir, &c., H. M. Pnocron, National President, Y.W.C.A.
We are glad heartily to commend this appeal to the generosity of the public. We know that the need is real and urgent, and that this hostel is meeting it on the best lines. We hope to hear that the full amount has been given.