10 MARCH 1928, Page 53


. Not the least interesting feature Of. the recent annual meeting of the British- South Africa Company was the speech of Sir Henry Birchenotih,-- giving some impresiimis of his recent visit to 'Rhodesia. Striking „evidence, -_he :Said, was forthcoming of progress' and deVelopinent, and there was an increasing stream of immigrants from Overseas and from the Continent.- Increases in trade and* lasing revenue were noticeable: A well-deserved tribute was given by Sir Henry to the work of Sir Edmund Davis,.whom. he congratulated _upon the honour which had been conferred upon him by His Majesty last June. There is no doubt that Sir Edmund Davis has done much to encourage and stimulate the development of the mineral- requirements- of- Rhodesia: - The chairman of the British South Africa Company also stated that a scheme had been drawn, up of improvements to be carried out during the next three years for the Rhodesia railways, involving an expenditure of-something like 14;000,000.