There Is Every Reason To Regret The Increase Of Tension
which is evident between Italy and Austria. It arises from the treatment by Italy of the population of German blood and language in Smith Tirol, transferred to Italy after the......
The Discussions Between Washington And Paris Upon "...
as an instrument of national policy " have not been dropped. We are glad of this, even if it seems easy to suggest reasons why they should come to nothing. There is always a......
The Polish Elections Have Been Very Satisfactory . .
for Marshal Pilsudski and his Goveriiinent: When he.. seized political power, the Seym was so divided as to be incapable of any good work. Now he is credited with the support of......
. We Are Very Glad That After Long Delays France
and Spain have succeeded in agreeing over the questions of the moment (and of long. time back) in Tangier, An agreement was signed in Paris on Saturday last, The original......
In Parliament The Upper House, On Thursday, March 1st, Made
another protest against the way in which it has been treated of late by the Government, which sends up at the last moment Bills needing far more considera- tion than time......
A Fortnight Ago In The Parliament In Vienna Serious Charges
were made against the Italian authorities in South Tirol. The Chancellor, pointing out that the League of Nations could not interfere in a matter of Italian internal government,......
The House Then Gave A Second Reading To The New
Rating and Valuation Bill for London. This is mainly technical, and deals with administration. It has the general approval of the Assessment Committees and there was little......
Mr. Kellogg ' S Note Handed To The French Ambassador At...
on February 27th did not seem to carry things much further. But we notice in it a sentence which seems to denote an advance of opinion in the States. He wrote :-- " I am......