At present the prospect is that an attempt will be
made to regularize the position. The Government, so long as its two component parts hold together, can command a majority in the Reichstag, and there should be no difficulty in carrying a Bill conferring extensive powers on the Cabinet, after which the Reichstag itself will no doubt disappear from view indefinitely. But it is suggested that the powers desired by Herr Hitler are so far-reaching as to call for an amendment of the Constitution, which requires not a bare but a two-thirds majority. Even that should not be unattain- able, for the Nazis have quite effective means of dis- couraging such Communists as are not under lock and key, and a good many Socialists as well, from attending the Reichstag when it assembles in its new temporary quarters in the garrison - church at Potsdam. At any rate, constitutionally or unconstitutionally; Herr' Hitler will undoubtedly govern for the moment as he chooses. He will have now to show how to cure unemployment and maintain the prosperity of agriculture without injuring industry, as well as to remodel the relations of the Reich with the States, most of whom have had their administrations forcibly replaced by new ones of a Nazi colour. A civil servant who is not a Nazi to-day is facing starvation. * * * *