More Men At Work The Increase Of 55,000 In The
numbers of persons in work in February, as compared with January, is slight, and partly seasonal, but it is none the less welcome. A decline of 46,000 in the army of the......
Sir Hilton Young Was Careful To Tone Down Hopes Of
what may be expected of the new Committee appointed to examine reconditioning and the creating of a National Housing Corporation. Indeed, he carried reticence to the point of......
Town And Country Planning The Ministry Of Health Has Done
well to remind the local authorities of their powers under the new Town and Country Planning Act, which comes into force on April 1st. As with allotments and other matters, so......
Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent Writes :—the...
its third reading last week in face of Liberal and Labour protests that much more is necessary than an abolition of the 1924 subsidy and an agreement with some Building......
"the Spectator's " Spring Number The Spectator Will...
week a special Spring Number containing, in addition to all the usual features, articles by M. Andre Maurois on " The Englishman as the Frenchman sees him " ; W. B. Yeats on "......
Floods And Unemployment The Overflowing Of The River Don And
the flooding of the surrounding country in the neighbourhood of Bentley has caused a disaster comparable with that of last May, when 1,500 people were driven from their homes......
Justice For The Poor It Is A Very Real Grievance
that poor persons convicted in a court of summary jurisdiction cannot appeal to Quarter Sessions because the appellant must deposit or find a recognizance for £50 within ten......