"The Spectator's " Spring Number The Spectator will publish next
week a special Spring Number containing, in addition to all the usual features, articles by M. Andre Maurois on " The Englishman as the Frenchman sees him " ; W. B. Yeats on " Prome- theus Unbound " ; E. F. Benson on " King Edward and the Universities " ; E. M. Forster on " The Mind of the Universities " ; Lord David Cecil on " Books for Depression " ; Vernon Bartlett on " The New Defeatists " ; the Bishop of Ripon on " Prayer and Genius " ; poems by D. H. Lawrence and Edmund Blunden ; a short story by Stella Benson, and reviews by Rose Macaulay (" Dictionaries "), Major Yeats-Brown (" An Indian Monk "), and C. E. M. Joad (" The New Learning "). V. S. Pritchett will put another view on " The Return to Horridness in Literature," which Rose Macaulay discusses on a later page of this issue,