Roland Bocquet is, I confess, a composer quite new to
me. Mr. Parry Jones sang a group of his songs (they are really lieder) last Saturday, and now I am eagerly awaiting an oppor- tunity to hear more of his music. He is apparently an English- man living in Dresden, where already a Society has been formed (as was the case during Hugh Wolf's lifetime) for the performance of his songs. Of the seven examples which Mr. Jones sang there was not one lacking strong inspiration. Obviously he owes something to Wolf, but this indebtedness never gets in the -way of a thoroughly individual (though traditional) expression. Perhaps Mr. Jones will introduce us to some more of this composer's work : it was evident in his singing that he has a considerable sympathy for it. And a special word of praise is due to Mr. Ernest Lush, who seems to be the " official " accompanist at the B.B.C. these days, for his fine rendering of the piano part.
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