"The Spectator" Crossword No.24
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should- be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name-of the winner will be published in our next issue.]
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29 ACROSS 1. " Knightsbridge , serv- ing fairies, Stars of proud Belgravian airies " (Gilbert). 6. Give up.
10. Remember the sad fate of the sculptor ? He makes faces and this.
11. It's hot before a numbei and a child. - 12. Sion confused.
13. Lunatics, peers and aliens are for the House of Com- mons.
15. 'Light often sung of in church.
16. Lilliputian garment for a Scottish rock.
19. John, Giles, or Phineas.
20. Jewish priest's assistant.
23. Elephant's summonses ? (two words). 25. In Peter Pan.
27. The cockney's bee-container. after a consequence is good for something.
28. In Ayrshire or Bengal. 29. Take me back from a Jew for a place.
30. A letter ffom the Pope.
DOWN 1. Moisten a pen for a golf club.
2. A famous don's mount.
3. Behead an animal for direction.
4. " Leonidas on a one-eye'd ass Came riding into -, He'd been to buy A pigeon pie, Likewise a pair of f " (Burnand). - 5. The traveller crossing it may find two Sundays in the week.
7. Put in a bath, or in a best , for rowing instruction.
8. Put a thousand into the confusion of Exeter.
9. The opposite of an authority on the Brontës. 14. Football manoeuvre.
17. A pain follows a principle. 18. I tag none (snag. ). 19. Hamlet suffered from it (he wished that it would melt).
21. Sounds like an American whisky-and-soda in a cock- ney's mouth, but it's all my eye. 22. Of clouds or wool.
24. Not 27.
26. The precious stone ad- dresses a frienii.