0 N Wednesday the Allies presented their Peace terms to the German delegates in the Trianon Palace. Hotel at Ver- sailles. On Thursday the world, impatient after six months' waiting, was informed of the terms, which have been the subject of endless speculation and controversy. We comment on them elsewhere. Here we will only eay that the Peace which has been drafted with such pains seems to be a good Peace, taken as a whole. The proposed Treaty applies only to Germany. She is required to abandon all her political interests and claims beyond her own frontiers, and those frontiers are pushed back on the West and the cast and in Slesvig so that she will lose a sixth of her territory and a tenth of her population. She is also required to disarm, and to admit her liability to pay the bill for the war which she made so wantonly and so wickedly. The Allies will deal with Germany's allies in due season ; and Germany will have to recognize beforehand the settlement to be made with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, and with her Bolshevik friends.