The Jewish Bolsheviks, Who Formed A Sort Of...
Budapest in March when Count Karolyi resigned in despair. have collapsed. The Alliesfirst tried conciliation, sending General Smuts to find out whether Bela Kun and his......
As For Reparation, Germany Is Required To Admit Her...
bility for causing loss and damage to the Allies by an aggressive war, including not only injury to civilians, maltreatment of prisoners, and so on, but also the cost to the......
The German Foreign Secretary, Count Brockdorff-rantzau,...
of Count Bernstorff and a typical member of the old Prussian ruling caste, replied at length to M. Clemenceau. He admitted that Germany was broken, but he refused to admit that......
Wo Have Already Given Some Examples Elsewhere Of What The
wiser minds in all classes in America feel about Ireland and the United Kingdom. Here is an extract from a letter just received by us from a very typical American of the present......
M. Clemenceau, In Presenting The Draft Treaty To The German
delegates, told them that they had fifteen days within which to present their written observations. No oral discussion would be permitted. The Allies would then reply, and fix a......
The German Navy, After Two Months From Peace, Must Not
exceed six battleships of the Deutschland' type, six light cruisers, twelve destroyers, and twelve torpedo-boats, with a total strength of fifteen thousand officers and men......
It Was Announced In Paris On Wednesday That President Wilson
would propose to the Senate, and Mr. Lloyd George to Parliament, " an engagement, subject to the approval of the Council of the League of Nations, to go immediately to the......
Signor Orlando. And Baron Sonnino Returned To Paris On...
in time to represent Italy when the German dele- gates were summoned to the Peace Conference. It is rumoured that a compromise has been reached on the question of Fiume. The......
It Is Provided That Alsace-lorraine Is Not To Bear Any
part of Germany's pre-war debts, as Germany in 1871 refused to take over the province's share of the French Debt. Similarly, Poland will not " share in certain German debts......
The Treaty Contains Important Provisions For The Inter-...
the Elbe, the Niemen, and the Danube, and for the control of the Rhine. The Allies are to be accorded rights of transport over the German railways, and Bohemia, the inland......
The Ex-emperor William Is Publicly Arraigned " For A Supreme
offence against international law and the sanctity of Treaties." The Allies will ask Holland to-surrender him fortrial by a special Tribunal of five Judges appointed by the five......
Germany, Moreover, Is Required To Assist In Restoring The...
areas of France, Belgium, Serbia, and other Allied States, by supplying cattle, machinery, and so forth. She is to deliver coal to France equal to the output of the wrecked......
Munich Was Recaptured From The Bavarian Bolsheviks At The...
of last week after sharp fighting in the streets between the Red Guards " and the Government troops. The city sustained considerable damage. It is reported that before the final......