A new In-lingual monthly, The New World (2s. 6d. net),
has just made its appearance. It is published in London and in Paris, and its object is to strengthen the friendship between Great Britain, France, and America as the only sound basis of an enduring peace. The three countries are represented on the editorial staff by the editor of the Times, by M. Danielou and M. Paul Fort, and by Mr. Herbert Adams Gibbons, with M. van der Vlugt as editor-in-ehief. The magazine, typically. French in its appearance, contains some interesting short articles:
Sir Reginald Ciistanee writes cautiously " The- Liberty of the Seas." M. de Kerguezee discusses the future naval policy 01 France, which will include, he thinks, an elaborate system of coast defences. M. Maeterlinck contributes a characteristic article on " Heredity and Preexistence," printed in French.