The military situation in Northern Russia has improved. South of
Archangel the 'Bolsheviks last week attacked the Allied positions and were repulsed with great loss. Our gunboats are now able to move up the Drina, which is free of ice, and to eo.operate with the troops who were harassed by. Bolshevik riverecaft. South of Murmansk the Allies have beaten off Bolshevik attacks and advanced close to Lake Onega. Between that lake and Lake Ladoga the Karelians have risen against the Bolsheviksand cut the railway by which the enemy'draws his supplies. If the Finnish Army were to move, it could doubtless occupy starving Petrograd without much difficulty. The Bol- sheviks are hard pressed also in the Volga region by Admiral Koltchak's victorious army and in the Don Cossack region by General Denikin. They have, however, been allowed to occupy Sebastopol, which was evacuated by a large Allied force, and they are said to be massing troops on the Dniester for an attack on Rumania. Divided counsels in Paris, rather than Bolshevik strength, seem to be the true explanation of these isolated successes for Trotsky's hordes.