10 MAY 1930, Page 19

Some Books of the Week

MA4011-GENEAAL SIR WYNDIIAM Camps has had a remarkable career, for he was a Staff_Captain at the War Office in 1910 and the Deputy Adjutant-General to the British Expeditionary Force in France in 1916, when he was only thirty-nine. When he left the War Office in 1921 to go to Scotland Yard, he had already received two knighthoods. In Episodes and Recol- lections (Cassell, 18s.) he describes amongst other things the difficult situation created by the Agadir incident and the great railway strike of 1911, and pays tribute to the patriotism of the Labour leaders of that time, who enabled our communi- cations to function again in view of the international situation. "I have often wondered," writes Sir Wyndham, whether the Kaiser would have declared. war on us if we had not been able to settle the strike." He was all through the Ulster crisis, the retreat from Mons, at the War Office from 1916 to 1921, and afterwards at Scotland Yard, concerned with matters which are still fresh in the public mind, such as the Arcos raid. For the Communists and British Fascists he has the heartiest contempt, and he would dissolve any organiza- tion in England that did not base its aspirations on the ballot- box. One of the strangest of Sir Wyndhim's many exciting stories tells how the would-be polioner of Sir William HorwOod was apprehended.

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