10 MAY 1930, page 1

News Of The Week

The By-Election O N Tuesday at Fulliam the Government lost their first seat at a by-election. Sir Cyril Cobb, who won the seat, did not detach himself from the Unionist Party......

For Our Part We Cannot Help Feeling That Mr. Banfield,

who had the advantage of not being opposed by a Liberal, could have done much more to state the Free Trade case against Lord Beaverbrook's Protectionism with its misleading......

The Situation In India - The News From India Is

still grave, but better than might have been- expected.. On Monday morning, Mr. Gandhi was arrested in his camp at Jalalpur. Receiving every consideration; he was removed by......

The Chief Warning Is To The Government. If There Has

not been disenchantment among the friends of Labour there must at least have been an unusual lethargy. Even when allowance has been made for the trickiness of by-elections it is......

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