10 MAY 1930, Page 33

(Continued from page 792.) Near Molokai, on the- Upper Nile,

there is a region of great swamps, containing what is prohably the finest herd of elephants in the world. Sir Alan Cobham attempted to take moving-pictures of the mitiged niciiisters;*bixt they icattered in every direction. Still, that was only one adventure out of many that befell him and Lady Cobham in the course of Twenty Thousand Miles in a Flying Boat (Harrap, 10s. (Id.) from Rochester, all round the continent of Africa, and back to Plymouth. - His craft; the Singapore,' -was the largest flying-boat in the wOrld...at the time, -with its :tvio -Rolls-Royee engines developing 1,400, horse-power. We need not follow him on a journey of which all the world has read with admira- tion; it is enough to say that, well told and illustrated by many full-page photographs, this record of a pioneer is worthy of the deed -that inspired it.

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