10 MAY 1930, Page 33

General . Knowledge tiestions • " A ' bitter, chill The

owl, for all his feathers was a cold" . 4Andwhowjulle - - "Deep on the Convent roof the snows - Aie-sparkliiig to the ?

5. Who '.14taiked .through " The iieeret window whence the world looks small and very dear " ?

6. Who slept because "He will watch and care ;

Let the strength go, I am content : he stays I"? 7. Who, . -gazing ;far On his mistress From her chamber window he would catch

Her beatitY.':farther than the ,.falcon ?

8. Vcihii, and on .whtii3Occasion7,-felt „

• •

"Like stout Cortez when with eagle eye He stared at the Pacific " ?

9. Where is it written; - • - _ • "Thou hest been eali'd,--6 &ell', the friend of woe But 'tis the happy who have called thee so " ?

10. Who said : "

"AU fixed on me their stony -eyes That in the moon did glitter"?


11. Who, at aerials, wrote, _ . Do not sleep ani longer ;" it isthehourof vigil"?

12.• But who found: - - , , — "The watch is long betimes and late, • The prize is slow to win " .?

13. And what watchman cried : "The morning cometh and also the night ; if ye will enquire; enquire ye. Return, Come !"

- .Answers will, be found_on. page viii. Oun weeklyprize_ofoae guinea for the best thirteen. Questions submittedjs_awarcled- this week to Mis.s Flora, A. MacLeod, Drynoch So_ttage, Shrewsbitry, -for, the following := .

Questions on Watching-

Nybois said to " Wateh.thenight-in storms, the day in cold "-1. 2r_Who Waited While The long houragO, and-con:le, and go "_ ?

3.. Who kept when • :