10 MAY 1930, Page 36


. The Annual Report of the Legal and General Assurance Society,Limited, shows that during 1929 the net new business retained by the Society was 18,694,000 as compared with 18,644,000 a year ago, the net new premiums being 1657,469 against 1573,021. The number of Life Policies in force at the end of the year was 99,671, assuring, With bonus additions, /64,270,000, and Deferred Annuities of 1488,469 per annum. A year ago the number of Life Policies was 84,223, assuring, with bonus additions, 159,773,000 and Deferred Annuities Of 1380,507 per annum-, the total . funds of the Society increased during the year by 11,051,275, amounting at the end of the year to /21,597,579. A final dividend is recom- mended of 4s. 6d. per share, making a total of 7s. 6d. per share, free of tax, for, the year, which compares with 7s. a year ago. A. W. K.