Who's Who in the Wars. By Duncan Miller and Walter
Goetz. (Peter Davies. 6s.)
Who's Who in the Wars is a collection of topical clerihews by Mr. Miller, with illustrations by Mr. Goetz. The illustrations steal the show. The clerihews are, as a collection, far from bad; none of them is up to the Bentley standard, a few are distinctly feeble; but the majority of them are inventive, pointed and neat. That they are outshone by the illustrations is no discredit to their author, for the best of Mr. Goetz's caricatures are as jokes the equals, and as drawings probably the superiors, of any humorous work done since the beginning of the war by anyone, with the possible exception of Low. His triumphs are the exquisitely funny Iran-Iraq, an incredibly malicious sketch of Mr. Hore-Belisha among the Military, and one of the Fuehrer in the process of going Nordic. But out of a total of forty-eight drawings there are only two—those depicting Lord Chatfield and Mr. Eden, whom no one can caricature anyway—which are not a complete success. It is a most enjoyable book.