10 MAY 1940, page 16

Sir,—let Us All Agree With Mr. L. H. Callendar That

the dis- cussing of the best books is endlessly fascinating, and add, affords a pleasure only second to the reading of them. That is, of course, provided a kindly tolerance is......

Sir,—" Tastes In Reading," As Mr. Callendar Has Noted, Do

"notoriously differ." But many of your readers must, I fancy, have felt as astonished as I did to read his further statement, for it not even a question ; "who but a boy or......

The Best Books In The World

SIR,—The airy superiority of Mr. Callendar's letter is a little difficult to accept. Happy, indeed, but how precocious, the adolescent of is, who could fully appreciate the......

Sir,—" Federal Union" Are Apparently To Be The Blessed Words

to be used to replace "Collective Security," to ensure that we shall again weaken ourselves after this war, and thereby make it quite certain that another war will soon take......

Ste,—in His Review In The Spectator For May 3rd Last,

under the caption of "That Blessed Word," Mr. Brogan poured scorn upon the majority of the " Symposium " upon "Federal Union" which it has been my privilege to edit and upon all......

The German People

SIR,—I was very glad to see in your introductory news comments a reference to Mr. Duff Cooper's St. George's Day speech, deprecating his somewhat extremist and violent remarks......

Belgium And Eire •

Sra,—Your contributor, "Janus," in a recent issue of The Spectator, informed your readers that Belgium's defensive pre- parations, according to her Prime Minister, Mr. Pierlot,......