Vicroa EMMANVEL has entered Naples in company with Gari- baldi, and has formally accepted the offer of allegiance tendered by the people of the Two Sieilies. On Wednesday, he rode through the streets of what was once the capital of a kingdom, and what is now one of the chief of Italian cities, and the people swarmed along his route and cried Viva! This is a notable fact. But to our minds, the meeting between Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi, a few days earlier, before the King had crossed the Garigliano or his forerunner had taken Capua, is the nobler spectacle. Two men, one great and the other chivalrous, each capable of seeing the good there is in the other, one loyal and affectionate, the other affectionate also, perhaps in a higher de- gree than Moat monarchs, rushed to meet each other and stand silent, with clasped hands, and hearts too full for speech; on one aide a ragged, hattle-wern, valiant army, " besmirched with painful marches in 'the rainy field; " on the other a regular in- fantry, stout in battle too, but not so hardly tried : this is a spectacle which no modern history can parallel. It is the spec- tacle, not only of a meeting between a King and his servant, but between a King and his friend. The exultation of Naples is formal compared with this. Nevertheless it is a great fact, for Victor Emmanuel is now the elected King of Italy ; a King by virtue of affection as well as by virtue of force. The military events that preceded the entry of King Victor Emmanuel into Naples are of considerable moment. Capua, cut off from all communication with Gaeta, and subjected to a weak bombtirdaient, capitulated on the 2nd of November, and its strong garrison were marched prisoners to Naples. On the 3d, General Sonnaz, leading the vanguard, stormed his way over the Garig- liano. The Neapolitans fled ; the Sardinian fleet under the gallant Persano fired into their flank, and Sonnaz making the most of the moment pursued so swiftly that he chased his enemy into and through Mola di Gaeta, and occupied that place and the positions around it. The main body came after, and by this rapid movement, not only was King Francis shut up in Gaeta, but a force of 15,000 men and thirty-two guns was cut off from the fortress. After some hesitation, they fled across the Roman boundary at Terracina, and being met at Cisterns by French troops and Papal gendarmes, they were disarmed. Including this the losses of King Francis in men, since the occupation of the line of the Volturno are computed at 30,000. What hope can he now have ? The French Admiral Lebarbier de Tinan has done all he decently could to obstruct the naval operations of the Piedmontese, but, it will be seen that the firmness of Admiral Persanoprovedsuperior to the obstructive tendencies of the French- man, and enabled him to take part in the action of the 3d of November.