Presertation Of Stone.
6th Nave mher, 1860. Stu—On reading your article of last Saturday, on " The Decay of Archi- teettrral Sculpture, an idea occurred to Ine, so simple that I can hardly suppose......
On The 27th Of • October, At 2, Berkeley Place,
the Wife of Lieutenant.-Colonel IL W. Norman,' C.B.oita.daughter. - • •• • - On the 29th; at The Cloisters, Windsor, the Wife of Dr. Elvey, of a daughter.. Ou-the.30th, at......
Airt5 13 31 ' 14 R, - . .1 " Ancy1■,:11
tFILTY TO ASIORSE8r. Sut — The cruelit0 . 6 fi 4 rd #tedin the +efirinaiiliehrSolifitilParld hart, more thajt,once , � p15 joitimals,'Und theSociky the Preventienbf Ditieltf-tV......
Topics' •of The Day.
ITALIA uNrrA ! Lonn Jon's Rus,sELL's despatch to Sir James Hudson has appeared Most . opportifiely to conVinee continental , Europe'that England is on the side of those who work......