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Sut—The cruelit0.6 fi 4 rd #tedin the +efirinaiiliehrSolifitilParld hart, more thajt,once,� p15 joitimals,'Und theSociky
the Preventienbf Ditieltf-tV has exerted itself 1n ittaking Ivirierg
strUnces, itherto, liewhyei,-ini"tidvMice.lairheen Made' in stopPing-these disgnitili reclines. 'The catitiiiklie itteretle lotable, because thirty yeari age, rptieli-Werelar &t ate its quipoint of humanity to the brute.orear noir; Mid ltri'ethillent &Atoll Phyaician.(Dr. Thompson of Edinburgh), then talltd pr lib atieutioni:te -tho.stipbriority; "a the practice,-. of the Parisian schools in this respect over our own. Is it possible, I would ask, for us now to bring English feeling to-bear- on this subject, so as to arouse the dordifilit'indignatiott7of our neighbours .against the•hideons cruelties prac- tised at present unrebuked among.thenn ? . The followingletter from. the-venerablo.11ary Sppterville, will; 1 believe, be read wintiaterest. Yew will surely.fsdl:to sfinpathize with the feelings which, in the eightieth year of her honoured life,,this noble woman ex-
presses with all the energy of youth.
" La bprz,zia, Piemonte, 24th Ortober 1866. ,",To whom can I apply for aid in a case of unparalleled crudity but to you, my most dear friend, who arc full of compassion for everything that lives ? I want 3 ou to interest every one you think can be-of use, in ex- poSing to public indignation tliC merciless cruChied that are dally-intlioted on hOrses in the veterniery'schoolti-in*Franoe. A tietter-ve received today giireiraileseription.oftherlieattlessmonaters,::whoseivery.existenosla a dia, grace to mankind, and that, too, in a country boasting of the highest eiTiKt■ zation. , They keep the miserable animals for many days under torture, and do irblyiVepltilIthere at lost, but learelbein to die' a lingering'. death: I am surethe English public would be shlicked beyond measure if they only knew-what:is going on. I! have -written 'eon, my friend lard Broughtimpand to Professor Owen. etI.knew you will do all in youtpower, and my -principal, reason foe', saying so much, is the fear that it may nothare yet emue to your knowledge. I wrote a long letter to you a few days,ogo,•&() r Oil only say what you well know, that I ani ever your at tacked and -afre'ctionate friend. MART 80141ERVILLt."