10 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 18


The series of articles written by the late. Reverend J. J. Blunt, D.D., for the Quarterly Review, are about to be issued in a collective form by Mr. Murray, under the title, "Essays on Religious and Literary Subjects."

Messrs. Longman and Co. are preparing for immediate publication, Professor Hind's "Narrative of the Canadian Exploring Expeditions through the Southern Part of Rupert's Land,, from Lake Superior to near the Foot of the Rocky Mountaina" in two volumes, with numerous illustrations.

The first volume of Dr. Momrosen's " History of Rome, from the Earliest Time to the Period of its Decline," translated, with the assist- ance of the author, by the Reverend William Pitt Dickson, with an in- troduction by Dr. Schmitz, is preparing for publication by Mr. Bentley.

A new work by Lientenant Maury, on the "Physical Geography and Meteorology of the Sea," being an enlargement of the author's former work, " The Physical Geography of the Sea," with maps, dia- grams, and illustrations, is announced for the 15th instant by Messrs. Sampson, Low, and Co.

Messrs. Hurst and Blackett have, in the press, " Studies from Life," by the author of "John Halifax; " "British Artists, from Hogarth to Turner," in two volumes, by Walter Thornhury ; and " Two Years in Switzerland," by Frederika Bremer, translated by Mary Howitt. An "Historical and Descriptive Geography of the Holy Land," by the Reverend George Williams, B.D.; and the second volume of " Atherice Cantabrigienses," by C. H. and Thompson Cooper, are preparing fbrpn.b- and- girl in the woods and the wilds of the Lion King of Candy. The lication by Messrs. Deighton, Bell, and Co. famous Robert Kunx, who wasp a prisoner in that kingdom for thirty Mr. Camden Rotten announces "A Garland of Penal= Ballast"

edited by Dr. Rimbault; and a new Cline' tmes book by Dudley Costello, entitled "Holidays with Hobgoblins with illustrations by George Cruikshank.

Messrs. Bradbury and Evans have in the press, " health, Husbandry, enI Handicraft," by Harriet Martineau ; "Japanese Fragments,' by Captain Sherard Osborn ; and "Even Harrington; or He would be a Oendeman," by Owen Meredith, in three volumes, reprinted from .Once


"Essay on the Military Architecture of the Middle Ages," trans- lated from the French of M. 'Violet-le-Due, by M. Macelermott, Esq.; and a "Manual of Monumental Brasses; comprising an Introduction to the Study of these Memorials, and aList of those remaining in the British Isles" by the Reverend Herbert Haines, are preparing by Messrs. J. H. and James Parker.

Messrs. I. Nisbet and Co. announce "Annals of the Rescued," by the Eeverend Q. E. L. Wightman ; " Scenes and Incidents of Missionary Life in Fiji," by Thomas Williams ; "A Day in Laodicea' " by the Reverend A. N. Somerville ; " The Romance of Natural History," by P. H. Gosse, Esq. ; and "Expositions of the Cartoons of Raphael," by Richard Henry Smith, Esq.

Mr. James Blackwood has in the press a new translation, in English blank verse, of- Archbishop Fenelon's "Telemachus," by the Reverend J. L. Ross; and various novels, among them, "The Bishop's Daughter; a Story of the Dark Ages," by the Author of "Squires and Parsons," and The Adventures of Mi. Ambiguous Law, an Articled Clerk ; being Motes and Sketches founded upon Fact."

Messrs. Allen and Co. announce a "History of the Opera in Italy, France, England, Germany, and Russia," by Mr.. H. Sutherland Ed- wards; and Mr. Oliphant is preparing for publication, " Studies and Sketches in Modern Literature, and on some of the Leading Authors of the Day," by P. Landreth.

A volume of "Literary Remains of George Murray, of the Aberdeen _Free Press, with a Sketch of his Life," by William M'Combie, present editor of that journal, is preparing for publication by Mr. Taylor, Peter- head.

Messrs. I. B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia, U.S., are preparing for publication a work, by Professor Spencer F. Baird, entitled "The Birds of North America ; containing Descriptions of all Known. Species, hiefly from Specimens in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution." It is to be in two volumes quarto, with an atlas of one hundred coloured plates.

A committee of Paris publishers announces the forthcoming appearance of a "New Encyclopredia." Among the more notable of the contribu- tors, are Messrs. Thiers, Guizet, Cousin, Villemain, Prosper Merimee, Proudhon, Pere Enfantin, Professor Michele; and Madame Georges Sand.

M. Berryer, the celebrated jurist, has brought out, through M. Jacques Lecoffre, Paris, a work on the present state of the French law, under the title, "Le Ministere Public et le Bureau: leas Droits et leurs Rap- ports."

An "Histoire de la Litterature Franceise, depuis son Origine jusqu' nos lours," by M. Gerusez ; and a new and greatly enlarged edition of M. Poirson's "Histoire de Renzi IV.," in four volumes, are promised by Messrs. Didier anetCo., Paris.

M. Dentu, Paris, has just brought out a rather curious philological work, entitled "Le Langage des Marina ; Recherches Historiques et Critiques sur le Ineribulaire Maritime," by M. G. de la Landelle, late an

officer of the Royal Navy. .

The concluding part of the great bibliographer Querard's elaborate work, "Lee Supercheries Litteraires Deeeilees," has been published by Messrs. Hachette and Co. The same firm has brought out a volume of " Souvenirs" of the Marquis of Valfons, Lieutenant-General of the French army from 1710 to 1780. .

General Laramiciere's recent "Crusade" has found a chronicler in the Viscount de la Yausserie who has just published, through M. A. Jesse

Paris, "La Croisade en 1860; Histoire de l'Armee Pontificate." The Translator of Events, a Turkish Journal, edited by Turks, has just made its appearance at Constantinople. The conductors are said to be men of progress, and imbued it European ideas.