10 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 2


Considerable successes have been gained in Southern Italy by Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi. ,By the resolute movement of Victor Em- manuel on the Gerigliane and the passage of the Volturno by Garibaldi, Capua was isolated, and the garrison, some 9000 in'number, surrendered, marching out with the honours of war, and being carried as prisoners to Naples. This' oelt 'place on the 2d of November. ' On the 8d, General Somas fought his way across the Garigliano. Meeting with but little resistance, he continued his course, capturing prisoners, waggons, stores, at every step. The road runs along the coast, and the Sardinian fleet quickened the pace of the flying eolith:ins by a brisk fire. As the rest of the army f011owed,'Sainaz pursued the enemy, and drove him through Mola aliCeileta, Here the conquering column halted and took up-strong positions. It turned out that's large force, said to number ,lo,000 men, with ' Awe-guns, was cut off from Gaeta by the decisive movement of Victor Emmanuel. It wee first said that they proposed to capitulate, but later intelligence. tells is that the Neapolitan column fled across the Papal boundaryAy Terricina. They had passed the Pontine Marshes when they were arrested at Cisterns hy-the-P-apal and French authori- ties and disarmed.

It will be seen that the Sardinian equadOn.participated in the combat of the 3d. How that came to pass we relate in the words of the Pau- lo-nits, derived from the officers of the Descartes, -BeetleToulon for rea-

sons that Will appear ,

"On the 27th of October, a Sardinian squadron of six ships arrived to attempt a landing at the month 'of the -Garigliano' and was compelled, to withdraw before the energetic demonstrations of Admiral de Tinan. On the 80th-Vice-Admiral Persatinmade his-appearaucehimself with ten ships, and refused to withdraw in-Cresence-of-the French squadron, which made preparations to compel him to do so. The Sardinian Admiral declared to M. Barbier de Tinan that-his instructions were to 'effect a landing at the mouth of the Garigliano, and that he was obliged to obey.' • lithe French-ships thought fit to attack him, lesthould-not-defend-hinseelf, but he rendered the Admiral responsible for the consequences of such_an armed intervention,

which he thought illegal, as tee* Gruitewaters and the line of blockade of that place. In presence of this protest and passive attitude Ad- miral de Thum, rearingle might Lave outetepped his instructions,' sent the- Descartes In all haste to take the orders of the French Government.-" The' two squadrons remain opposite each other, Insulting the/reply." • - —

They did not remain long. ,A telegram front Gaeta, November 3, say& that " in consequence of instructions received from Paris, Admiral Bar-. bier de Tinan has left-the mouth-of the 'Garigliano, and has returned here since the 1st."

The Pays of Paris 'ex'plains, on certain authority, the French Govern- ment simply " wished. to save the chateau in which the entire royal; family. is living from a .bernhardment, and, above all, desired to prevent the King of Naples froth being,thede prisoner by his own subjects."


Our own and the French jot:in:rale have given -vivid accounts of the . meeting between 'Victor Ehiniaritittand-Garibaldi on the 26th of October. We quote the.account Of the YOrdirel-deri-Dgrati, because while it agrees

with the other stories, it is morepictareaquely written. .•

" Garibaldi arrived at an akiberge between Team and Speranzano,and stopped there during the niglkt' of the 25th. He ordered his column to ad- vance, and sent' Conneffeeelda-to 'acv the King. In the; morning, Count Trecohi and Missori mime to tell hien that Cialdini was distant about an hOur,"and the King • about an hour-and-a-half' s march. Garibaldi, left im- mediately with his staff and in three-quarters of an hour was in sight of fhe Piedadritese column. Ile atartedoff in a- gallop: • Marching towordi him were the 23d and 24th of the Como. brigade, then the 26th and -27th of the Pinerolo brigade, and a battery of rifled cannon. The column opened and presented arms to Garibaldi.. Cialdini hurried to the rencontre and they threw themielves into each other's arms. After exchanging- a few words, Garibaldi remounted and went on to meet the King.. His Majesty was ad- vancing at the head of his division not far off. Seeing the red shuts, the King took a glass, and having recognized Garibaldi, gave his lnirse a touch of the spur, and galloped to meet him. At tenjuices distant the officers of the Xing' and those of Garibaldi shouted Vivo Victor Enimanuel ! ' Gari- baldi made-another step 'advance, raised his chapeau, and added in a voice •Which.trernbled with emotion, 'King of Italy!' Victor Emmanuel raised his hand to Ina cap, and then stretched out his hand to Garibaldi, and with equal.eniotion replied, '1 thank you.' And for a minute they re- mained thus, hand Its hand, in- ,yrerfeet, eilenee. Still holding eseli other by the hand, for at least a quarter of an hour, they then continued their jour- ney, Their suite lecame mixed, and followed at a distance.- Passing near a group 'of oficet,i, aribaldi saluted-them.- In the midst of them were' he

remoter Tarim General Feud.. The. King and Garibaldi were

verging. After Lwte Tea iewed the 17t , 18th; 19th, and 1001 regiments of the line, then 'a° • four. regiments of cavalry. His Majesty was at the head ef.3b, men. Before reaching'Torino, 'King 'Victor Emmanuel lialted,-and ordered 'portion of his army ciffin presence of Gari- baldi; that everyone might Observe the good 'feeling which prevailed be- tween him and the chieftain. He then reviewed Bigio's brigade, 'whiet: was posted a little beyond ealvi. He was received with the enthusiastic and unanimous shout of Long-live the King of Italy r' Garibaldi has 7000' men, divided between differeht positions. The King remained at Teazle ; Garibaldi returned to Calvi to give orders." The Dally Nears: correspondentsays that "the elegant and splendid' inrifortus Of the Piedmontese officere contrasted curiously with the plain. red shirts of the Garibaldians. The general himself wore his famous wide awake, a plain red flannel shirt half covered by his American grey cloak, and a "'pair of black trousers. An officer of Garibaldi's staff told me that when he had parted from the King, the General said, I did not shrink from telling the King that he is surrounded by a set of 'Men who are not the warmest *lends of Italy. I Wet:Ito 'persuade him that' all that has been said about the influence Mazzini and his friends eiter- cieed upon me was a more calunmy. '" How weld I send into exile Mazzini, who has done so much for Italian unity ?" said. to .Victor Emmanuel, and his'Majesty agreed that I was right.' "


Victor Emmanuel, accompanied by Garibaldi, entered Naples on Wednesday. They were received with the greatest_ enthusiasm. By proclamation the King has accepted the sovereignty of the Two Sicilies. This said that the commanders of the foreign fleets off Gluts have ad- vised King Francis to go. The vote for annexation was 1,302,08t; againgt it 10,8142. Hearing this result, Count Cavour sent thietelegram to the Marquis Pallavicini- " Italy rejoices at the splendid result of the Plebiscite, which it owes in a great measure to your prudence,' firmness, and patriotism. You have thus acquired new andslonous claims to the gratitude of the nation. Garibaldi has confiscate fOr the poor the rents held by the Bourbons. The quarrel between M. Ale Gramont,- Cardinal Antonelli, M. de Merode, and General Larnoricare-continues rage with vigour. The General charges the Envoy with sending-a delusive telegram to Ancona implying French support. He cites the telegram: The Envoy declares that words have been inserted in the telegram, and charges, the Papal Government with seizing his despatches and garbling them. The Journal of Rome is obliged to admit this. It prints the precise terms of the telegram—"That if the Piedmontese entered upon the Pontifical territory, 'the -Emperor would beforeed to•oppose them, and 'that orders had been given. to reinforce the' garrison Of -Rothe."' The garbled "copy stated that the Emperor would eppese, the attack by " force." The Journal of Rome, not to be beaten, says that 'three or four days later another cotrimutication was received, in 'Which it was'said that-the Em- peror would oppose the invasion as an antagonist. The votingin the late Papal States has been -very strongly in favour of annexation.