10 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 6


The City Council of Cork have been -granted leave Mr. Train to lay di) yin. tre e tAremw ays in certain principal streets.

About 300 members of the brigadoarrived in Dublin-on Friday night week by special train from Cork. They were addressed in congratula- tory terms by the Reverend Canon Pope, who was in attendance to re- ceive them. They afterwards dispersed in groups of tens and twenties to the various lodging-houses and taverns in the neighbourhood. On Sun- day-numbers of them paraded the principal streets, with green leaves in their caps, and followed by crowds, who cheered them enthusiastically. Some of them wore medals on their breasts, but their costume was of the most medley and nondescript eharatter. A. number attended mass at the Roman Catholic Church, Marlborough. Street, where a sermon was preached by Dr. Cullen, Their arrival at Cork was made the occasion of a series of p,opular demonstrations.

The Court of Queen's Bench was engaged on Wednesday with the case o the abduction of the child Mary Matthews. Miss Margaret Aylward. apf peered, to receive any sentence the Court might award. Her counsel- alleged she bad done all she could to discover the child ; she had no means of producing it. The Lord Chief Tuetice pronounced a sentence of six months' imprisonment for contempt of Court, and ordered that Miss Ay' lward should pay all the costs. An application that the sentence should be car- ried.but at Iiilmainhain prison was rejected, and-Richmond Bridewell ordered as the prison, where the rules and diet are more.stringent than atEilmain- ham.

ThomaeJames APRobins, charged with the abduction of the Slierweods, was also brought tip • he-he- been in custody since the 13th of June,though not formally committed. Ile entered into recegnizancee. of 1001., and two sureties of 501. each, and was sworn to answer interrogatories. Two per- sons named O'Connor were also sworn to answer. An application, was also made to bring up two women now in the Marsbalsea for contempt, for the same purpose.

It was intimated on Wednesday that there was no accommodation. for female prisoners in Richmond. The Court directed Mies,eylwayd to be brought up, in-order that the prison might be changed Kilmainham ; whereupon Mr: Curran gave notice that be would move for a discharge, on the.ground that the Court had no power to vary the order, although he had moved on Tuesday for that very same variance-in the order.