10 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 4


'laded lie Vititiiin of the Conserve- ' WHayne, the Liberal, polled

Lslise - -

The election at Dart eb tire, Mr. Hardy, who pb 711e2 110. Majority 2. w. !°eIa tie) f *is.iif1.19-:tmon-Tyne by smei.pt the Copyhold t-

o; of . Beaumont, M.P., is. mentioned as a probablea, *i for 4eNellAtie•

Lord Stanhope' son ofttbe-Eark of,Chesterlielkis the only candidate at present offering Ilimself.to!fillotipthebracanwles South Notts, caused by the elevation of Leabletvgrk, torgrolippoe,geuref, Lord Stanhope has issued an addreser in:Which 14 44y417, " an; ,ftrongly 44410 to, and desirous of seeingour _constitution maintatoed: Ali, ifs.integrgy, but 'at the same time would give my support to such IsiaduiataiaUd toeMagenoidered reforms as the progressive improvement Of thepeopla litelligence, and educa- tion demands. I should 'acietly‘Wpfec Will';gbre of that union between Church and State which has existed so lone Mid' advantageously for both. I Wish to see our naval and Military establistmenni kept : up in that degree oreffidieney that will secure Our' commerce and protect our -shores from forign insults. I entirely agree in that principle of non-intervention which the Government of this country appear-determined to adhere to."

.- -

-Mr.' Gladstone !atteridoettlifollist- annual- contestiundilinner of the Chester. Artillery and; Riftel:Iolunteers., Mrs, Meadows', Trost,' . the Mayoress, presented a Whientokth Rile 40 Corporal ludan,. and made a Speeek Of some eleithendet oit In:occasion. 4.-Broaperity to the Ancient City of Cheater-",,bfri'vGladstonw*Ingtsektlie city. his- torically; commercially, And-Politistall*fand then entered:upon the topics of the time. Napoleon said thatave-vrebe " &nation of _shopkeepers"; that statement haoperated-injusiouslaco shut, ?.there is no reason. why a shopkeeper alioald:falfshortiwany of.the didiekof a citizen or as brava as any one who ever cast upon. him that reproach." If a contradictien were iennt4 the 'Volunteer molvenlent headOMP.PlickitOantinibetiqn not w.ordealoneirbut praetical:confittittiell, Olkek.a/S344atotts931,4Aati seen, has rer.ognizedointlineatidmieed,:of whiclattknaufteaLimprossuin has gone abroad in every ccotitla7,of !Enrope,;enclof iwitichAheAttoestl effect has been both to raise the character of- England in every foreign land, and likewise to add !strength to the hopes of those who ..nuetnii'andarherish principles likethose of Englishmen,! and, in Rd!strength to these principles, to brighten-ohne° 'for the futige cif 'Mankind. " England is roneid er and reputation,". fe from danger ;

but Europe hie Laffibil period otanistillii .a I#e ho that

the vaunted p d'iNiteteepth cei " Many at least of the-ca "tir b IA% heretofore desolated the eaft. tiot-bv "datitlitheitits and Minds

of men. Commeideidi 'life :standariPbeerer to the world=has higher: fin no inereese of wealth.

It carries with:W.0100N ,vet t" ` of peace, and is des- tined to be a %tarot andr Mahal iKto Mankind;ite well as the means of inereiisingentirecithmand' over9thWarhi enjoyments. But even if this be so, and even if 'England be strotisT'tsay this is a period when it is requisite that she should be strong."' Speaking of Italy, Mr. Gladstone cor- e of a > stient country to free it- A vacancy is created the appointment of Mr. Ou Enclosure Conomissionerse yr Mr. Somerset Heeumont, pressed his eatisfaction with -1t the': self heat long oppression ;" It deratiald't symps, 'es ofEnglis inen. We shall acquire; if Italy* ettebasftiVe‘ kite* guariut -for the solid and per-

manent peace of Eurbliii." The"ii, !indeed; 'n a thing as a hollow and a treacherous peilierind that iitienhe Ifittl hollbty whioh is only maintained WThiiiiiined tlie itritli Tfirlimphitg upon the

necks of men, and-talking nf 'Order-and oflitigairlieikanifoint of fact he is himself the greatest violator of both. (LouirdiSploaaa.)1 'Now, gentlemen, I rejoice to think that you yoUrsehtes have tobtributed,:perhaps, more than every one of you may heve refieeted on; to -the proaperous program) of that great national struggle. I don't mean-merely because England set the ex- ample which after near two centuries Italy is following—for in 1688, upon provocation sufficient indeed; but not one hundredth part of the provocation that that people bps endured; you took into your own hands the settlement of your own affairs, and established a precedent to which she is entitled to appeal, and you will not refuse het challenge." Leaving Italy, Mr. Gladstone touched another—the Eastern—question- " I am afraid, gentlemen, the time will come when we shall hear again of a race, of a kingdom, of a people who have been the cause to us in former times of no small effort and no small sacrifice. I -mean- our friends the Turks. You did . by 4**,2ms-effort*: td'enernioue .sacrithieS0 hi a war which Warishort; sangolitiery, and eostly pi, *degree-beyond' all itaitillel- Europe did pure Teimb-upoirgigantha MiliaM40,redleis ambition; "but at the mme.tine I: thinkitwowld. 01:y1e:wilting ourselves were we la attempt to orerloOk the feet that the .repression of Russia was not the regeneration of Turkey, and that Europe has still mueltrj,do. 4 that quakter:of the -4.1)Pia-) W Jgf? lobe before the entuteee.en.te gyf4nga ii tea( horixon.cleared.

e in regard . to tha) gigantic sabject4 miff, :Whose side you may be found and who may, wilet; but for the sake of those brotherly iiiterisk, that prey eri, for the sake of the, enAMAila nations leak lie • or my, port mom et D. time when the eleingile

boons that it isrin erwo.-;0 , . tanted country to etufferApola of danger are'ri e onEurope an he grey questions stand for sohitien7, that at a time like that in particular„Englond should both morally 'and phynically'lle-strong." .-!' ' •' ''• If ever the hen,. of 'Volunteers were de4rved, they were Volunteers whOnt he So* befOrtililm. It was right that a nation governed by theiiiiEtWt1 will ,elhepldlie, left to itself to provide tenfold to the sacrifices they 'weir, makings$,re,',ivi most. contribute .i?'.ttie-serviee of his.countain connexion with theNbiltn ',movement who.cda "lutes, not to•the inoMentary setoff- &vial thaiiitiVereeittbgt' to its.' . and perniateritriagency. The dinner was followedifsliisiviiiiintee (iii the eVaiiiiie ''''' ' The DirkewfidriZI44. : , Wpm* meeting of the annual Congical, athi.: 441 , ear As _: of-TAticitaliire -Bud Cheshire):: , ,Etukte"0 a ., :three enhurina of the Tiines.. • He urgedtheIptineiple oflolearititin4cotarda.ieachother on the part of deno- minational ;tekunklies,.,:and,. that"' they: ehendclAigree to impart " secular education to any child whose iparente '".dhjeetlo' their religious teaching, without fording a .6h ad to,gothwough•their religious education.", -Look- ing hack. ittatorieally;; he .thought .'the libertiee of England very/ Much founded' upp'tethe'reati1tp,4it a iffereneesyin treliginnie Opinion.. Libertytof conseitliCelfirtliereiniltliiiilieligious' illikitit. ,SPealting of the Italian struggle, the Duke happily saliPthat • "Thera 'fibliteiceilient'had. titideeto the personal hagiess of very ErigTa ome"—The Duke discussed the form of lectures which af'..,adeptth/ the pursuits of mechanics,•might, he thoughtdrulimo,tliat sloes. to,lo if* insti ter? ;nor exten- t-J*1Y... 'The wet:kJ/IA.4w are .440 of f ,-)int, there is a want of frugalay'm 'the higlaes class kso; whose end eased estates are frequently,qtfer,ed . r s e. Gentlemen pf Manchester Leeds,' arid fi Glasgow arVit#1344 IA Aiir,WitIV-eapitarbeini linportedinte the cOncerii; tare'lli :$ 't ilyelficieidteral improvement predneed. With cordial sent 'Ilitir- 4 elaitedliie speeelt by charaeteiiiing theOssiagetithift •■ r se d§' the robust end% him) y-grewth attree institutions ; they are •••,t'itierely the-proof of a'-'free people Nit theini dieRtions.of a 'people-who, know .hoair. to use:their 'freedom ;ell" The Dueheasof Argyll mat prenent,ildtime lointlycheered. - • lit/ n.

• ' The nevilibilioP of Itoeheeter.tlerterixt-Iiii ellitivi- nt ilielnimary visitation. on Monday, at Rochestereagiedrai. . He feared the hey held .the clergy too muchritii,fimpeneitilifftie dB a parish eerild:reqiiire, and that the clergy clislikgtlin interfelleinM'Of the laity in matters they were unable to manage4ealealfes. 'He urged tho'propriety of- a large infu- sion of lay infligeon. 2.T14,73ishop aback urged the clergy to cultivate so- cial intertioursolvith ilieleople; ' the Ael ' had passed when the Church of England conlcUstamisatpreseription,"rit kgialative enactment, or any- thing so unsound-or -beartlesolaa: he-In , described," in semi-intonings ..andecelestinatiealapholeteryPonq •-,":. ai 6,,.-:,:. • .03 3I9i114i ,,,,i t.i91,41,-49, Ac.u‘kyn... . Mr. H. Fenwiok, M.P.,tind--Mr.--Hugli Taylor, M.P., addressed the Sunderland iBlilprornenie.)Sacietrot:fitinderland...onEriday week. The MerehangShippingliepoit; thelestingioCchaina and cables, the abolition of :passing tolls, liens upon freight; and the:Stade Duo, were diseealed : by,hf.r.,Emtivick. c.i.Mr. :Taylor who if& lifemberfor:Tynemouthi folloived, reootamendingtlikphipownersAo Send:More of their gusto. Parliament ; , he added a curious: fact ...that,. although:America 4 one greatest competi- tor for the irodd's traffic; amlimeriean..shipowner: told "him they could not.build or saiLtheirships:cherepanthandwixdid,,,,, Skill -and enterprise wouldoarr ythe,Britisix. shipowners thronglsi9they,should not go for re- . ciproeity:laws, bat foewhatthey Could get::: me) -, • The'Nottitighinal"leiseittfakere StrikeAtiot an end: --.A fortnight ago, the'entptiYere-OffetetluternOti, ttedlinditigtheir propoegeMot unfavourably - reeeiVed,1,the9, hiereaintintaitotthat lehecineri.ntay iresume work. The . propoitil,h4treeteatotepted bylte.tneetitlig4fthemeni - .1, ,bnsi 1.1.:_rn.-,1 •cav9 :-.. tati."...;ra so is;-..-.....:,..; . • ilt i*Shatedisreinychito thailded impalmnoteesfaneed on Saturda lefore gr;:,Sann oeo attlke MaglptgatmbitiNatga..- -Ari.,§anitders has n in corm:mimeo on; ' e S AllitiktfiP4J1;1 },.. 144..jhe sanction o ;the Magnnrstetti 14, .I i In- .0,,11,ijarpceeuings. , He open the buttneassf* uiq gi ; , , ,'„, .-:. . nenig to•hituself and his position.

' Mr,..WPParOi,:l!,y; ....,, irs .. afterwards in the inqniry.

A'Mr---t•Figio). PRY Agit agastern in great liaate-tin

49, W99/99949.y 3

Eridai.„,„ 9 I. tie.. e., X ' e,-did the repairatFthe

sirequest originate ',with

*Ivy, A. 0,, lagricp,olsostatediNto the afttennYi.,:t . ay 9 t' 0119 Co ' ffsPATAT, igatip.we of the waterrtdaaftfii .tinWane 17 ./4 Ran ft, nil GU End nothing :itheles.A.,,,,Mr.-, tiifi ellik4nftOltdA, 1,..,F4e, hod.," TeC049914 a ,4ertain, .e . r it 471er...portein,-,..4, 7 a 1,, m,.. n confessed to a. TarticipatiOn in nk er..''- 'The p p d attend on,Menday.. Two of the Jurorsattheilieuest, ellen ' in ea com- plaint of.tbeinode . in which that inquisition was cond ..'tile ' Reverend Mr.,Peaeook bed been substituted for another • - ..,"; sAthur Langley said that, on: the night before the milder,. he saw:, r... nt'. standing in a field near his house i hi watched, b' IyAve4inutes„ and Mr. tent did not move. ,,Anat,Stokea stided-,t 14 ., .:'1. : rse',was in her hause•Millie 1414 AfthibLiAll 1 Mk, f',3t,PFC)tf4f ix :

, , . . ,I " something woe freed

. cellar 0:14,trd ttias .. kckn°

Ichnkhed .lifrItili :Ifni. F4.) Aug' imager, but thiehr.M.. wards ohe imnarked that she

' dome before,,,andlluit no pne, latiffnIAAP 4fA0ANDg

heed,. *At had never

..bad Pidl .00.1 tift0-0A) naa, else occurredialiawould dm " ' 935.' iijit'ae' reCh** Kent,if anyone :liare. him ail`. 4i .„ tf,seteiNatt did, • '(s also ere whose fishing .he had stopped itith , ,.„ , kneffelnid that Mr. Kent *Ms only considered reserved, reii5hup, jkopert,,bUt gra. and the giSeesi Kent were much respected: „Alegi opins "" ;woe 'then given about a LonniS, ladY.*Affted:in-hlacliA014,0 tr.coming towards: Mr. . faent's liouseitnn,Wedneadaynyeeitg ;„.a.elachatInit.lwent in Shortly . afteMvardel loilee6.10144tranaYlajghtliff 8 rituttlann),0f,Mr. Een.eallana; aniutthe wmadnv,ffiat therailleetlephofo, ouegimsonepparently pomlnng 'her hair, after taking off her 'bonnet. .-Pitney ' Cinildliot discOver who she

was, bal.it'vias not one of the Misses Kat._ . The inquiry: was adjourned till Monday.' " ' ' . •-•

• Mr. Saunders resumed his inquiry on Monday. He attended at eleven o'clock, having been detained at Bath waiting for despatches which did not arrive. He adjourned till.noon; but as the 'gentlemen he expected bad not arrived; be adjourned again till a qiarter to one, at which time he took his seat'' FTtni,erttiolitit of thewudiencewasnot favoitrableto the result of the flitiairy :Ur!' .8eurniers made ttnother'aipeebhi.irr. which ' he regretted the absence of-his brother Magirtrategi and stated that Mr. Hughes, chief of the Bath. pedlar, was making, inquiries:- Idr..:Sannders had locked up in his breast many ',circumstances:of. a .peitate, Mature which he could net, at pre- aent,:dirulgel; Next, he °Meted; the aeragival: of -some children:who Worn making a noise; be had-not had tint° k4.beliqoh-thieugh" the evidence ; in... deed, belied taken, no notes onfilstarday, .M.r.Sheppard bad written himi a letter expressing a hope that Mr. Sautidetafwould And some clue, but aka expressing& fear that he had-nothing to baild upon. Mrs. Webbleystated that gr. Kent vat 4 church trith..the _little , boy on the Sunday previous to the murder. Mr. Saunders then aidoedinseries of questions towhieh he got MI answer:: he asked the audience to milts inquiries_ as to where Mr:: Neat wastarr..thokionday. Mr: Simeoxstaid 4'04d :teen sent for to lay ouk the body of the child on Saturday the 30th of June.. The nurse was desimebte assist, but ahe ;never:came nearLthe„,place, , gr. Saunders: "That I. eon- Oder animpOrlaut fact; " but li.,Upen, tiloodeut Veiny said the nurse. frar quently cause into the room, and 144ed.thedeaci body, A ludicrous incident occurred.,, :Superintendent Foley Wintsleseribing lie, exhaustion on the tiy of the discovery; Mr. Saunders. wastatpug and drinking while the inquiry wee going on, and took Mr. Fiders..re !Renee to exhaustion as an allusion to the relimbnient i :hut the Superintendent deelitred he. meant "no refer- ence to the manner in which the worthy Magietrate*alemploying hinia.lf." The inquiry y4 again adjourned.


r qtatindeIss resumed On Tneeday. • 7filarris6 was scarcely an audience, and the police anthorities were also abse.nt, i'lf:re. Orchard was called to is that slierhad bald, Mr Saunders orrheturdir*at She, had put on her block two hears, Aii orao -0 get two yountMenoettirdrlitt'phblichouse on the 29th of June. Mrs. Parker was eallect;.;elifiiiithf thetrgre. Orchard's daughter came to her every morning, and' soMetirper evening, to know what time it was. JohnAlloway, gr. Kent's be , toldAtbe story about the-lantern ; he err had left Road Ifill-house in the. fig of the 20th, and did not return till next `niorning.;eintinierieed'in'ac tin'thiekTkitives; when -Holcombe said' lie woialli do triton; if Alloway'weitidteltienaffib beats ; tliere wereno Minuet ap; pearanees &bout kniires or boots:r.I. Idrilimit Cern°, and asked if any one had seen Master Seville; who was lost: Mr -,Kent asked.if there was a constable near, and Alloway was told. to go andlleteh Droh, who lived near ; Mr. Kent was starting forTrewbeidge . when ,Alleviay. returned. : Mr. Weldon proved the 'finding of apieee of :paper stained: with blood as , if a:knife-had been drawn across it. Hallett, the butcherlgotc.itl'.. Mn: Quance denied that three strangers were in her house-on the-day Constance Kent was taken to Devises;' they qvare in the holm of Mrs:. Holston; an invalid; shedenied ever stating that she Maw 1dr."Kent in *field on the morning of the 30th, at five o'clock, and oppealed to a Mr.' Wilkins; who contradicted her. In MM. Quenee's ,opirti6al4he - murder was toe:eleverly alone ever to be foundout, unlessacme eileolnandodel' Mbrgany the parish' eonstable, said there Nrioi a general rumour that Quaneelhatt,sMt4 'he' had' seen Mr. Kent at;fieb o'elock,:bet he could not trace-.-the-a-athor,of. the report. Quance denied it to him. Mr. West, one of the'COmOr'Sjery,'coMplained as to the mode of itai'remature close. The inipitiPwit again adjourned. Mr. Saunders' court reopened on 'Wednesday; only two dozen persona were present, the majority of them women. Quance refused to attend Unless summoned 'properly. • •Ifr. 'Saunders ' said he was not sitting ks'a ed 'Ma regretto small, but gmdually increased. Here -MuMlinous, containing suggeatiCitilk1 monies; offered to come and atiiist. account of a conversation With 'a gent who Said he had lost a' child; ind'dis produced from Mr Sioinineys, dettyllig' 'stains of blood in the -pane* ef Road journed till Friday. The Magistrates of thenTrdaliridgeoaliefiikin,.thet.on Tuesday. Mr. Slick reported that the Attorney-40.2pda *Weed an application to the Queen's-Bench for a' "writ of radial :inquirielidain, -which will revive the coroner's inquest, The Magistrate/ ordered the application to be made, and also wished it to be distinctly iondematoodythey had nothing to do with,--10.

Saunders's proceedings. . ,199;1(111' .!•

A peer thilefiseven years of art, ,i. death in.su nOnl. In Ran ers,gytt4fu. FridaY,week, Nte had epp9JP4,41moy elaildliko, played with thealm(ApX, Mem Her elotheoeaught, and with ,efer,y4rity eighty and one hundred Aimee,per, nmp She died in a short time after she was tot done before A verdict in answer to the Jury, theethet, re Fide

Margaret Sutton. the appa em Wife

Infirmary at Bradford on ay we ,She made a statement before death exculpating Gowland. Tlie,11MT,Telilinft4 a verdict of TeneararY Insanity. A mull awn:loop a, 1,1 John Batey, a sinter at Blaydon, Ditrisithorns foundldesokon Tuesday morning on the Winlaton :Road, with 'a mark upon his forehead *tilts quantity of blood near hint; suggesting that Ile had been- riturderel •=


On Tuesday afternoon, Miss Emily Entwistle, *fed eitighteen, wesouton horseback attended by the grooniv.at Winktopp,Haets; le horse on which she was riding suddenly shied, eke waa thrown off, and before ami:fnefl)ca oonld be rendered, the horse startedeffvel, faitapeed ; Miss Entwiatie's.foot got entangled tbeetirruP, and her- Anal itt,the 'saddle, She "Ms draged upwards of: 40 yards before! the .hoescoonid be, stopped; when ahp was takes bpi her ,Inted.and face wero:frenulditerally smashed to .pamea, the brainewoopded from hex head,.haeinksome to contact with the wheel of a cart that was near the spot at the time. jiv,a, 1 rjp 1.4 Colliery, Mountain neteetrop e,was oecasionecEbythe reeklesoness of :soiree of tee muted. 0,J:4/J1.6.5151,A ,is supposed,opsued

their lanterns. Thirteen dead hod ms ee,heqn ; got .ont ; as fearelLtiliat more than twice that number have per ed.

Magistrate, and would not issue sunnhonoes. Me ex the young li'dy he -Mentioned oh 'filitiirday 'having been seen going into Mr. Kent's; lie was satisfied she ruse lief t ainie person he had seen at the Window, and " Waft exceedingly. eabservations he had Made had giveriner any pain:' Mr. h.: kes 'Salcagnieusonrite, movedthat the t yr- Court siiould adjourn sine die, until' re ived inquest was over. Mr. Saunders would follow` his own course, and havinginelfectually asked Seine persons present if they wished to say anything;'' adjourned himself ou. •

next day. Mr. Saunders recommenced proceedinglP dillTharsday ; his audience was 'fiber of letters, some of theth 'gentleman, with high testa- a toll-gatekeeper; goventi on the 30th ;tine, 'the'pOliceman. A letter *ha nerd Mr. Grover.he had Aden use. The " Court" *Do ad-

line Hoppenotal, met.her story near fludderfield, on o„vessel with water, Jed wog the process 94 fillipg. Af„Alie shaft, which turned was dashed against the wall. Sfr: jOhn BroOke piaudited, d be boxed off, [But wlaynis it

,Death was returned. . blic George Gowland, died uNlbe

A fatal-PApletnou eeeurred:Atf,t Ash, SAO Wales, on ,Wedcesqazd

An explosion of the apparatus for warming the church of St. Mary's, Ox- lbrd, took place on-Saturday: Thirteen' windows were demolished wholly or partially, and the .seats of the Vice-Chancellor and "the Reads it Rouses" destroyed and scattered. The Bishop was to have preached next dwandif the accident had happened during the service, the consequences would have been frightful.

The Twining steamer exploded. an,. Saturday, about fifty miles Bast of Yarmouth, 4014 stepping for a few .minutes to buy fish frees a fleet of fishing-beats by whifry she was surrounded. After the explosion, the Sober- men boarded, and found a most melancholy sight ; many of the crew had been blown into the air, seven' were missing, three were so melded and bruised as to die soon after, and" seven more were also severely injured. Dutchman in charge of cattle on board was amongst the injured.